Chapter 744
The unrestrained laugh on Qin Fan's face began to shrink a little bit, and turned into a gratified and slightly sad smile.

The gratification of course is that He Xiaoqing has finally grown up and can be on his own, and this style of behavior really has another meaning for him.

And the sadness in his heart was also because of He Xiaoqing.

Yes, He Xiaoqing has finally grown up, and the little owl who used to always follow behind him, 'Big Brother', 'Big Brother', is leaving him to spread its wings and soar.

When he thought of this, his heart felt empty for a while.

When he was young, Qin Siye always said to him: "When you get old, you will find that people are alive, in fact, they are constantly experiencing the process of losing and gaining. You will lose something because you get something." Some things, but also some things will be gained because of the loss of some things. '

"Life is very long, and there are countless things to lose and gain, so there is no need to have any emotions about what to lose and what to gain, keep rational and clear-headed at all times, and do a good job of the most critical part on the train of the Qin family . '

Qin Fan understood this truth.

But he can't do it, he is a heavy emotional person after all.

He will be happy for getting it, and feel lost for losing it, and he can't go through his life like a cold part.

Especially for a caring brother like He Xiaoqing who has accompanied him through all the troughs and peaks, it is impossible for him to remain rational in the face of He Xiaoqing's joys and sorrows.

If you want to live a better life, you always have to give up something for something.

Just like giving up laziness and embracing hard work in order to get a higher salary, and sacrificing summer vacation to gain knowledge in order to get better grades in exams, Qin Fan now wants He Xiaoqing to become self-reliant, brave, and able to be independent. He had to give up that He Xiaoqing who was by their side every day, clinging to him like a child, who needed his protection.

But if you want to say what Qin Fan got... Maybe he got a relief. He can't be with He Xiaoqing forever. At least in the future, even if he leaves the e-sports circle and returns to Qin's house, he won't have to worry about He Xiaoqing anymore because Weak and bullied.

"Xiaoqing, you've finally grown up." Qin Fan said with emotion, the smile on his face couldn't tell whether it was happiness or sadness, but the sense of relief was real.

"Brother Qin? Brother Qin? Are you still listening?"

As soon as Qin Fan took Mai, he heard a rush of inquiries coming from the other end of Mai, as if the whole person had reached the extreme of urgency.

You must know that during the time when Qin Fan was intoxicated in his own world, the club hall had maintained that weird atmosphere for about ten minutes. Except for He Xiaoqing, everyone was almost driven crazy by this oppressive atmosphere. .

But He Xiaoqing was standing there, with the same attitude and expression as Qin Fan, but they were so scared that they didn't dare to act rashly, feeling aggrieved, can these people not be in a hurry?

Hearing the three of them talk about their difficulties and the current situation, Qin Fan was overjoyed, and lost more than a billion yuan, which scared the three guys into panic.

Finally, the three of them successfully obtained Qin Fan's consent to terminate the plan and use a harmonious method to reduce He Xiaoqing's hatred towards them, so as to avoid future retaliation by He Xiaoqing.

The three operating officers were only glad that Qin Fan agreed to their request, but they never thought that their request actually fell into Qin Fan's arms and was in line with Qin Fan's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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