PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 745 The Shrinking Operation Team of 3

Chapter 745 The Shrinking Operational Trio

Qin Fan agreed that they were not afraid that He Xiaoqing would make them lose more money, and he didn't care what these people would do to the current He Xiaoqing because of their excessive bullying.

No matter where these people fell, they deserved it. If Qin Fan hadn't suddenly appeared and terminated their plan, they would be in this situation. They offer an escape route.

So, no matter how miserable He Xiaoqing made them right now, they deserved it. Qin Fan would not have the slightest psychological burden on these capricious villains.

The reason why Qin Fan agreed to their plea was because his test was not over yet.

The oppression of these people forced He Xiaoqing to a point of no return, and squeezed out He Xiaoqing's blood and the shadow of Qin Fan in his heart.

But this alone is not enough, rigidity is there, softness is indispensable, use the rigid side to force out He Xiaoqing's blood, and then use the soft side to test whether the blood in He Xiaoqing's heart is stable or not.

And did He Xiaoqing really change, or did he just become like this when he was bullied.

Qin Fan wanted to know, when someone offered an olive branch to reconcile with He Xiaoqing, would he soften his heart as before and accept the olive branch from others.

If this has not changed, then He Xiaoqing's transformation will not be considered a success. No matter how scary he is when he is provoked, if others just show kindness to him casually, he will reconcile with others and never hold grudges against others in his heart. It doesn't make sense to be terrified when he's provoked.

Because his bottom line is too cheap, his enemies don't care whether it will anger him or not, anyway, they will send him away with a casual gesture.

Therefore, Qin Fan followed suit and took advantage of the fear and retreat of the three operating officers to achieve the test effect he wanted.

The three of them are still foolishly proud of their ingenuity and eloquence that convinced Qin Fan, but they don't know that Qin Fan in the monitoring room is also looking at them on the screen and sneering.

This is called cleverness being misunderstood by cleverness. Who made them too timid to be so severely psychologically shadowed by Qin Fan.

Seeing the three operating officers approaching He Xiaoqing step by step, all the sparring partners breathed a sigh of relief, showing expressions of relief. If these three people don't come forward to drive He Xiaoqing away, their psychological defense will really collapse.

"Tell him to smirk, does he still squeak now?" a partner trainer said gloatingly at He Xiaoqing.

"Huh, the number one in the world is amazing, isn't the king still driven away? What's so awesome?" Another person gave He Xiaoqing a weak glance and muttered in a low voice.

"That's right, that's right. In the end, you still have to be driven away. What are you pretending to do? Do you really think that our immediate superiors will be afraid of you if you put on a bad face? Hmph, naive."


Seeing the three operating officers walking towards He Xiaoqing step by step, all the sparring partners gloated, and smiles began to bloom on their faces, as if they had seen He Xiaoqing being slapped in the face miserably and then driven away by their immediate superiors with thunder It looks like it's gone.

Finally, the three operation officers came to He Xiaoqing's side. Looking at He Xiaoqing's face, the three felt that the short distance of less than ten meters was like running a marathon.

How could they be so similar to Qin Fan, the three of them discussed aggrievedly.

Just as the trainees were waiting anxiously for their immediate boss to start yelling at He Xiaoqing, the three of them suddenly bowed down to He Xiaoqing... and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I was too emotional just now, We are truly sorry, and we take our words back and offer our sincerest apologies."

The eyes of a group of sparring partners almost didn't pop out, they were stunned, they looked in disbelief at the figure who bowed down to He Xiaoqing in apology, their mouths were parched, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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