Chapter 750
Before he could cover his head with his hands, the big 'strong' iron plate crashed down, making intimate contact with his forehead.

The sound of 'dong' knocked Li Yi into a daze at that time, and he lay there directly.

Li Yi rubbed his forehead and held his head in his hands and screamed. His mind was so dizzy that he could hardly tell the difference between east, west, south, and north.

"Yo, the voice is quite crisp." Qin Fan chuckled, holding the iron plate taller than him in one hand, looking down at Li Yi who was squatting in front of him, gloating.

"You're looking for death." Li Yi became more and more angry when he heard the words, blurted out swear words, jumped up and rushed towards Qin Fan.

Qin Fan shook the big iron plate in his hand and looked at him with a smile. Li Yi was immediately discouraged, and quickly shrank back, raised his arms, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, fuck him for me. I'm out."

After hearing the words, all the trainees surrounded Qin Fan aggressively, pressing every step of the way. Qin Fan didn't rush, still holding the big iron plate and looking at them with a smile, not afraid of their reckless behavior.

Just when everyone was about to jump on Qin Fan and beat him up, Qin Fan suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Everyone stopped again, looking at Qin Fan, gearing up, sneering, "You want to beg for mercy now? It's too late."

Qin Fan glanced at the door imperceptibly, and said with a chuckle, "Please forgive me, I'll count to three, whoever doesn't do it is the grandson."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately became excited, and everyone regretted that they had stopped just now. They have never seen such a tough person, and they still flirted with them when they were about to die. Is this how Pippi Shrimp became? Qin Fan.

Just as everyone whimpered and rushed towards Qin Fan waving their arms, they suddenly heard an anxious and angry shout from behind: "Are you fucking trying to die?"

'Damn it, this kid's life is really good, the big boss came back at this time. ' The crowd thought to themselves, and retreated in a hurry.

Li Yi quickly separated from the crowd, ran to the three operating officers, nodded and bowed with a smile: "Boss, it's nothing..."

In the past, there were many fights in the club. As long as they didn't fight in front of the leader, they basically turned a blind eye, so Li Yi didn't care too much about it. At most, he just apologized and waited for the boss to leave. Then continue to beat.

He thought so in his heart, but this time the situation was different. He had just finished speaking in the middle, when his three bosses slapped him one by one, and immediately took the following words back to his stomach.

After the slap, the three operating officers seemed still not relieved. They rushed forward one by one, filled with righteous indignation, and continued to slap him like crazy.

With that slap after slap, Li Yi was stunned, and he didn't even know how to hide.

Everyone else was dumbfounded. Looking at Li Yi, who was about to be whipped into a pig's head by the three big bosses, they all gasped. What a feud, isn't it just a fight?As for this, but Li Yi's face is quite strong, and the hands of the three big bosses are almost swollen...

How did they know that when their three big bosses found out that they had surrounded Qin Fan, they were all frightened to death. If they dared to fight against this ruthless person, why do you want the three of us? life.

Their anger has actually dissipated a long time ago, and their hands hurt when they slap someone, and they don't want to slap Li Yi for a long time, but they dare not stop. They don't know whether Qin Fan's anger has dissipated or not, they are now slapping Li Yi mainly called Qin Fan. As long as Qin Fan made a message, they would stop immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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