Chapter 751 Crowd
However, Qin Fan watched quietly from behind. Looking at Li Yi who had been beaten into a pig's head, his mood did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to smoke another cigarette.

He has understood since he was a child that fighting is not good, and he should not do anything that can be solved with his brain, so even when he was at the bottom of society where there were a lot of gangsters, he seldom fought with others.

When he was in school, he was the king of the kids, but it was definitely not because he was the best fighter, but because all the fighters in the surrounding schools obeyed him.

The current Li Yi is a typical example after provoking Qin Fan.

In fact, Qin Fan and Li Yi had no grievances and no enmity. With Qin Fan's structure and level, he was too lazy to compete with people of his level, but who made Li Yi not long-sighted and bullied He Xiaoqing...

If he was jumping around to provoke Qin Fan, maybe Qin Fan didn't even bother to look at him. In Qin Fan's eyes, he was like an ant under the feet of an elephant. No matter how much he jumped around, Qin Fan would not notice him at all. , the difference in levels lies there.

But he bullied He Xiaoqing, this matter is different, Qin Fan is too lazy to be serious with Li Yi, but He Xiaoqing is Qin Fan's best brother, so his little ant successfully attracted Qin Fan, the elephant attention.

But Qin Fan was too lazy to beat him with his own hands, let the elephant lift his foot and trample an ant to death?Hehe, are elephants so idle?Do you need to do it yourself to kill an ant?

Qin Fan is now sitting comfortably against the wall, watching the three operating officers actively show their attitudes, beat Li Yi severely, and put He Xiaoqing on Li Yi and his teammates. Sex is all back.

The three operating officers fought extremely hard, while Qin Fan lit up another cigarette, smoked it comfortably, and watched the dog bite the dog with a smile.

Not only can it kill chickens to warn monkeys, but it can also vent its anger on He Xiaoqing, which is very good.

'pop' 'pop' 'pop'

'pop' 'pop' 'pop'

'pop' 'pop' 'pop'


The three big bosses went into battle together, slap after slap, responding in turn like a regular movement.

The three of them were so exhausted from the beating that they could barely lift their arms. After such a long time, they didn't even remember how many slaps they had slapped.

Finally, Qin Fan finished his cigarette, got up to put out the cigarette, patted the ashes on his butt, and left without saying a word.

Seeing this, the three operation officers were all relieved, rubbed their arms and left. Beating people is really hard work, and they are too tired. Those of them who sit in the office really can't do it.

Li Yi had already been beaten to the point where he was almost gone, but even if the three operating officers left, no one dared to look at him, not even someone who would say a word of comfort from afar...

They dare not, Li Yi has been beaten like this, it can be seen how angry the three big bosses are, and the position of the training team leader must be lost.

Now each of these sparring partners can't wait to get rid of the relationship with Li Yi quickly, for fear that the three big bosses who are "in a rage" will be taken care of together with Li Yi.

It is also fortunate that Li Yi has been beaten unconscious now, otherwise when he saw that he was about to be beaten into a fool, even a person who helped him to the hospital would not even estimate that he would vomit blood directly.

When he led his teammates to surround Qin Fan, immersed in the prestige and momentum of the crowd, he should have realized that the people behind him were nothing but mobs.

This kind of teammate is useless no matter how many.

Until the next day when Li Yi woke up in the hospital, he didn't know who he was beaten for. Qin Fan didn't talk to him once after he was beaten, and Qin Fan didn't even bother to speak harshly. tell him.

Because he is not qualified to let Qin Fan speak harshly.

(End of this chapter)

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