Chapter 773 Cowardice

There is another thing that puzzles him. From the current point of view, He Xiaoqing's skills have not declined at all, and even improved slightly. Why are there rumors that his skills have declined.

This is not like a lie fabricated by the Caesars Club or deliberately suppressing He Xiaoqing. Judging from the reactions of everyone in the Caesars Club, they are convinced that He Xiaoqing's technical level has declined.

Qin Fan thoughtfully looked up at He Xiaoqing who was running downstairs, recalling what He Xiaoqing said just now, he guessed that he might have found the crux of He Xiaoqing's rumored decline in technology.

Even Li Changxiao failed to find out the reason for He Xiaoqing's technical decline, which shows that He Xiaoqing's situation is not as simple as outsiders think.

Unlike what the outside world guessed, He Xiaoqing's body didn't suffer from any illness, and he was even in the rising stage of his physical condition. His reaction speed, endurance, explosive power, stability, and even his ability to control his body were all better than he was half a year ago. outperformed.

The speed of progress surprised even Qin Fan.

If one were to be discharged from Caesar's old department, the person who had improved the most in the past six months would be He Xiaoqing without a doubt.

Qin Fan's talent in e-sports has been developed to the extreme. His only talent now is an almost beastly intuition, but this talent has not been fully developed, so in the past six months, even he has improved in terms of speed. , also lost to He Xiaoqing.

After all, in terms of e-sports talent, Qin Fan is actually the worst of all Caesars, and his road has almost come to an end.

In the past six months, although he has focused on training seriously, the only area where he can improve is his physical fitness. His reaction speed has been developed to the extreme by years of hard training.

And others, such as Li Buyu, Su Haoming, Wang Bo, Liu Dafo, Guiliang, Yu Lanlan, etc., in addition to their own training, they have to lead the team to teach others in the past six months, and they also have to spend money to retain the players. Do your best.

Not everyone can multi-task like Qin Fan, and at the same time concentrate on doing everything well.

Even though they are better than Qin Fangao in e-sports talent, they cannot compare with Qin Fangao in terms of life experience and wisdom.

In contrast, although He Xiaoqing has become an unattended training partner due to "skill decline", he has more free time than before, and he wisely spends all of this time on Learning and training harder.

Just like the floor-sweeping monk in Jin Yong's martial arts novels, he has no other distractions, only concentrates on practicing, and only does one thing in his life. He is naturally diligent and brave, and is unparalleled in the world.

He Xiaoqing has lived like a sweeping monk for the past six months, and his talent in e-sports is also superb.Although there is no guidance from Qin Fan, but with absolute concentration and a lot of time accumulation, quantitative changes are followed by qualitative changes.

His current real level is actually stronger than when he was at his peak back then, but... for some reason, he dared not use it.

And this moment of contact, together with He Xiaoqing's simple sentence just now, was enough for Qin Fan to see the root of the problem.

That is timidity.

Yes, timid.

Just like the H country consortium's team that he beat out of a world-class team and couldn't play the first-class team's strength, they are also because of timidity.

Their sniper was psychologically shadowed by Qin Fan's sniping, so far he can only shoot black guns. Once his position is exposed, he will immediately move away. He doesn't dare to confront Biren, because once he confronts others, he will think of Qin Fan. The figure of the Great Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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