Chapter 774
Their assaulters and riflemen were beaten out of their minds by Qin Fan's sniper, and Qin Fan used a garbage UZI to forcibly kill them in a one-on-two assault from the front. It can be said that they are most proud of them. The capital was trampled underfoot and crushed severely.

So now they can only fight in the street and assault in the housing area, and they fight very bravely, but only a few professional players know that the reason why they fight so bravely in the assault is because they dare not defend, they are afraid, they Fear, they feel that they are just two paper tigers that can easily be torn apart with a handful of garbage UZIs.

However, the two rifle masters, who fought extremely bravely in the alley combat zone, fought extremely conservatively when it came to the offensive and defensive battles in the wild...

That failure completely crushed their self-esteem and confidence, and they were afraid to face it again.

The medical soldiers of their team were even worse. In that battle, he took turns pulling people out countless times. As the medical soldier of the team, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting his teammates. However, that battle made him realize that he couldn't stop Qin Fan at all. the gun...

Qin Fan shot at him one after another, and his three teammates fell to the ground one after another. He wished Qin Fan could shoot him, but Qin Fan just didn't hit him.

Despair, no one in the entire e-sports circle could understand his despair at that time.

But who made him the most ruthless person in the team to humiliate Huaxia Guoqi? If Qin Fan didn't let him experience despair, could he still be called the Great Demon King?

So, their team lost the medic, but added a deputy sniper, who was specially used to help the sniper do psychological work during the game. However, in fact, when it comes to the game, he can't even do his own psychological work well. Do someone else's...

If there is anyone in the e-sports circle who can know how desperate their psychological shadow is, then this person can only be Qin Fan.

Because of their timidity, they were unable to exert their strength.

Qin Fan is now worried that He Xiaoqing may not be able to display his strength because of this problem.

The period when He Xiaoqing's skills declined was when he was teammates with the four professional players from the H country consortium, so the root of the problem must have been at this time.

Qin Fan's eyes narrowed into two thin lines, with murderous intent flowing wantonly in his eyes, he probably already guessed what He Xiaoqing was afraid of.

He was afraid that he would not perform well and be insulted by his teammates...

At this moment, He Xiaoqing had already sealed the cigarette and was about to go downstairs, but his hand holding the mouse couldn't help shaking.

He is afraid!

Qin Fan changed his way of dealing with people and his character, but he failed to change his sense of fear when facing a sniper rifle.

He has practiced guns desperately for the past six months, but all he hits are targets. Only when he hits a fixed target can he be very confident and shoot decisively.

And when it comes to shooting moving targets, or long-distance and difficult targets, his hands can't help shaking, and he can't help but feel fear.

Just like his current mood, when he thought that he might have to face eight high-speed moving targets alone, his body began to tremble with fear.

The yelling and cursing of several teammates from the H-country consortium kept echoing in his ears:

"Aren't you the world's number one sniper? You can't even hold a gun! It's because you didn't set up a good gun that caused the three of us to fail in the assault, trash."

"What the hell are you doing? Why didn't you kill them when they attacked us just now? Can't you shoot seven times in nine seconds? Can't even kill two teams?"

He Xiaoqing said, it wasn't because I didn't set up the gun properly, it was because you all ran into the blind spot of my vision and were still in different directions, and I couldn't take care of it alone.

He Xiaoqing also said, it’s not that I can’t do seven shots in nine seconds, or that I can’t kill these two teams, but that 98K really can’t do seven shots in nine seconds...

But it was useless, his rebuttals would only lead to worse insults, and his opinions would only drive the four pigs mad.

A day or two passed, and he was able to resist, but a week or two weeks passed, and he began to doubt his own strength, began to fear, began to be timid, and did not dare to shoot easily.

One month, two months later, this timidity has completely become his subconscious reaction and habit...

It may take a year, two years, or even longer to build a world's number one sniper.

But to destroy a world number one, one week is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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