PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 775 This Man Has a Bad Heart

Chapter 775 This Man Has a Bad Heart

The rapid decline in skills stimulated He Xiaoqing to train more desperately. His comprehensive physical condition is improving rapidly, his technical strength is also rapidly increasing, and his understanding of snipers is also improved than before.

However, the great strength cannot change the timidity in his heart...

He was still afraid of the sudden ridicule from his teammates, so he simply hid in his comfort zone. If no one drove him out of his current psychological comfort zone and completely exposed his true strength, he would never be able to face himself.

A sniper who doesn't even dare to shoot a gun, a sniper who doesn't even believe in himself, even if his technical level breaks through the sky, he can't hit the enemy.

At this moment, he is actively looking for his comfort zone.

He was afraid that he would be empty-handed, and that Qin Fan and Xiaoqing would mock him like the team members of the H consortium, mocking him as a piece of trash.

Therefore, he chose to take the initiative to attack.

Therefore, he took the initiative to admit that he was inferior to Qin Fan.

Therefore, he began to avoid using sniper rifles to hit moving targets, and to avoid using sniper rifles to cooperate with his own assaulters.

So, as soon as he closed the cigarette, he rushed downstairs in a hurry. He was afraid that his No. [-] teammate or No. [-] teammate would repent and compete with him for the assault position. up.

Seeing He Xiaoqing's figure going downstairs quickly, Qin Fan couldn't help feeling worried: "Xiaoqing, you can't just hide in your psychological comfort zone and not shoot sniper rifles for the rest of your life." '

'Didn't you always say that the sniper is a position that you will spend your whole life studying? 'Qin Fan sighed in his heart.

It was impossible for him to just watch He Xiaoqing mess around. When He Xiaoqing was about to run to the first floor, Qin Fan jumped directly from the fourth floor into the smoke in the middle of the road. Under He Xiaoqing's shocked and terrified gaze, he ran directly to the opposite side of the road. .

What He Xiaoqing feared most finally happened. Up until now, what he feared most was that his teammates would not cooperate well with him, and made his own decisions, without even hinting at him before taking action.

These were all forcefully forced out by the team of the H country consortium, and now, Qin Fan's behavior is exactly the same as how those people from the H country consortium treated He Xiaoqing.

He Xiaoqing even saw Li Zhixian's face full of disdain, complaints and negative emotions from the back of Qin Fan rushing into the smoke.

"If you don't go to the balcony on the top floor and give me a gun, are you going to watch me die?" Qin Fan said.

The voice coming out of the voice changer is still so gentle and mellow, and a little whiny, without the slightest hint of complaint.

But what He Xiaoqing heard was not such a voice. When Qin Fan said this, what he heard was Li Zhixian's tone of disdain, blaming, complaining and justifiably shirking responsibility...

He was stunned, and stood at the stairs on the second floor for a long time, and he didn't react until Xiaoqing greeted him.

"God No. [-], don't bother with this bitch, he has a very bad heart." Xiaoqing comforted He Xiaoqing.

"It's okay." He Xiaoqing said with a smile.

It's just that smile, a little far-fetched.

Xiaoqing didn't notice He Xiaoqing's strangeness, but his subtle tone could not escape Qin Fan's ears.

Qin Fan secretly sighed in his heart, this child, hey... whatever, I will make you come back to life today.

He doesn't intend to use consolation to relieve He Xiaoqing, because this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Even if He Xiaoqing is comforted now, when he encounters other irresponsible teammates who like to shirk responsibility, he will become that one again. look.

(End of this chapter)

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