PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 780 No, You Are Such Rubbish

Chapter 780 No, You Are Such Rubbish

But after thinking about it, no matter how bad Qin Fan is, he seems to be much more pleasing to the eye than that bastard Sun Wanggui. Thinking of this, Xiao Qing felt much calmer.

A leader is a leader no matter where he goes, and this thing cannot be snatched away.

So what if Sun Wanggui's attitude is strong?His leadership ability was far inferior to Qin Fan's. Qin Fan didn't even need to kill him to grab the captain's position. He only needed one or two battles. His outstanding leadership ability alone was enough to convince the crowd, and he easily killed Sun Wanggui in a flash.

"Brother, why don't you join us in killing He Xiaoqing? What can you get by helping him?"

Just as Qin Fan searched for a double-storey yellow building near the supermarket, this voice came from the public microphone.

Qin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this buddy had a good idea, and he wanted to instigate He Xiaoqing's teammates to kill He Xiaoqing?
"Then what can you give me?" Qin Fan asked curiously while continuing to narrow the search range.

"What do you want?" the man asked.

"What do I want? Hmm..." Qin Fan thought for a moment and said, "I want to destroy your team."

The man was speechless immediately: "Brother, you are also very thoughtful..."

Qin Fan chuckled: "Thank you for the compliment, and by the way, I've found you."

The man quickly pricked up his ears to listen to the footsteps, looking for Qin Fan's location, but he couldn't hear any footsteps, so he couldn't help but want to squat up and look for Qin Fan's location.

As soon as half of his head was exposed, there was a crisp 98K sound from the direction of the puzzle building.

With a bang, the enemy hiding in the corner of the second floor of the small yellow building was knocked down in a snap.

After being overcast for a long time, he didn't do anything, but gave away his head for nothing, and the man shouted angrily, "You old yinbi, you've been squatting on me for a long time."

Not only was Qin Fan not angry, but he laughed heartily: "Hahaha..., I didn't expect that, are you surprised?"


Everyone was speechless, why are you so happy when people scold you...

Qin Fan didn't go to repair the gun, but took Xiaoqing and started to march directly towards the supermarket building.

This guy left the supermarket building for the sake of shady people, and there was a ten-meter-long open space between the supermarket building and the housing area, and walking through this open space was a very risky thing in itself.

Coupled with the complex environment in the housing area, Qin Fan could easily kill them one by one without any effort.

If their teammates dared to come to rescue him, it would be Calabash Baby who saved Grandpa and gave away his head.

"Xiaoqing, watch him here, don't kill him." Qin Fan said.

Bringing a trash teammate to attack a building is a very fatal thing. If you fail, you will be tricked to death by your teammate. Qin Fan is not a black eagle. teammate.

In order to avoid this from happening, Qin Fan immediately wanted to send Xiaoqing away.

Xiaoqing still didn't know why and asked, "Why? Are you afraid that he will be alone here alone, so you want me to chat with him?"

Qin Fan almost laughed when he heard the words, nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Xiaoqing looked at Qin Fan suspiciously: "You don't mean to leave me, do you?"

Qin Fan smiled and said: "How could it be, you are such a rubbish, it would be great to block bullets for me, why leave you behind, I am doing it for your own good."

Xiaoqing was speechless for a moment, although the words were ugly, but the words seemed to make sense, and it seemed that staying here would be good for her. Thinking of this, Xiaoqing couldn't help but nodded, thinking that this person's heart is not bad .

(End of this chapter)

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