Chapter 781 Leave it to you
He Xiaoqing, who was quietly listening to the two of them chatting, felt like a mirror in his heart. How could he not know what number four was thinking?Obviously, she was afraid that Xiaoqing would hold her back, and she said it so righteously, as if she was thinking of the other party.

The corner of He Xiaoqing's mouth couldn't help but a playful smile floated up. This 'No. [-] girl' has a mouth that is comparable to that of her elder brother. Black can be called white, and white can be called black.

Qin Fan sealed the smoke and was ready to charge. Even in the smoke, he was still walking in King-like snakeskin.

If it is a passer-by player with a bad mentality, he may take the opportunity to throw mines into the smoke to stop Qin Fan at this time, but any high-end player with a better mentality will not do such a thing.

Because the uncertainty is too much, this behavior is not useful at all.

The people who threw the mine couldn't determine when the charging party would charge after the smoke was sealed. The distance of ten meters, that is, a second or so, passed.

Regardless of whether Ray is thrown early or late, the enemy assaulter cannot be bombed, and resources are wasted in vain.

It's better to accumulate mines, use landed mines to calculate the enemy's entry time, and bombard and kill in places like houses where the hiding space is narrow.

Of course, if there are enough grenades to create a man-made bombing zone and delay until the enemy assaulters clear up the smoke, then you can throw them at will...

He Xiaoqing set up a gun for Qin Fan in the jigsaw building and reported the enemy's movements while Qin Fan analyzed the enemy's exact position with his footsteps, while correcting tactics based on the information He Xiaoqing gave. ,

With the mutual cooperation of the two, the two men with guns on the fourth floor struggled a few times with grenades before Qin Fan burst into the fourth floor, and then were easily killed by Qin Fan.

The person on the top of the building was reminded by his teammates that Qin Fan's personal strength was beyond his reach, so he directly and decisively chose to jump off the building and drive away.

Moreover, the escape route was based on Qin Fan's blind spot. When Qin Fan ran to the roof of the building with the widest view, the enemy had already driven 200 meters away in Bengbeng.

Qin Fan's [-]mm bullets had fired more than [-] rounds, so he took aim, held his breath, and shot.

"Da da da..." More than twenty bullets went out, and all four wheels of Xiaobengbeng were directly knocked out, and the car was smoked.

Then he said in a very regretful tone: "Hey, no, it's beyond the UZI's range, and I can't hit it, sniper, this person is handed over to you."

He Xiaoqing was speechless for a moment, he hit the wheel so accurately, you told me that he couldn't hit someone?This lie is not at all deceitful...

But at the same time, He Xiaoqing felt a shock in his heart.

Generally speaking, the UZI seems to be very weak when it hits the enemy 50 meters away, but Qin Fan used the UZI to aim at 200 meters and knocked out the four wheels very accurately. Judging from this accuracy, Qin Fan used the UZI 200 meters There is no problem at all with machine aiming headshots.

However, Qin Fan said that he couldn't hit anyone...

He Xiaoqing could see clearly again in the double-magnifying glass, he is not a fool, how could he believe what he said...

After much deliberation, He Xiaoqing could only think of one reason for 'Sister No. [-]' - this person deliberately wanted to test his strength.

Thinking of this, He Xiaoqing suddenly felt pressure increased.

This enemy is 260 meters away from him. With a range of 98K, this distance is not far at all, and it is easy to get a headshot.

But the problem is that immediately after abandoning the car, this person started to move around like crazy, obviously frightened by the amazing marksmanship of 'Sister No. [-]'.

In front of this irregular movement, He Xiaoqing's psychological shadow shrouded like a dark curtain, and the hand holding the mouse began to tremble unconsciously again.

"I don't know how many people are watching you now. If you can't kill him with one shot, it will be too shameful." Qin Fan sneered.

The full-fledged sarcasm reached He Xiaoqing's ears with a whiny female voice, and the psychological pressure suddenly increased.

But Qin Fan's pressure on him has not stopped, and he is still provoking him non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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