Chapter 800 Selection, school

As soon as Gu Cun spoke, the public mic immediately exploded. At this time, 80.00% of the people talking in the public mic were discussing the matter of killing Gu Cun. These people came to attack Gu Cun and Wei Shen.

Qin Fan was speechless, and hastily turned off the communal microphone, it was too noisy, and it would affect hearing too much when the game started.

Just as Qin Fan was about to turn off the public mic, he suddenly heard a sentence from the noise: "Zhang Xue is in this game."

Qin Fan couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, Zhang Xue was also being targeted?
"Xue, follow me closely." Qin Fan said, frowning slightly.

Zhang Xue nodded obediently: "Yes."

This game is an old picture of the island, there are many old plots, Zhang Xue is in the light, and those people are in the dark, it is too easy to plot against her.

It really happened that kind of old Yinbi who didn't intend to survive and didn't play cards according to common sense. The two teammates were only separated by a room, and there was a gap between life and death. Qin Fan naturally had to be careful.

Qin Fan's jumping point is the school. This place is not fat, but it is definitely not poor, enough for four people.

The reason why he jumped to this place was mainly because the various corridor environments and small rooms of the teaching building are very suitable for playing more with less. No matter what he just heard was true or he was hallucinating, he had to be careful. some.

The plane rumbled, and soon flew near the school, greeted the other three teammates, Qin Fan jumped down first, and went straight to the top floor of the school.

With his skydiving speed, it is impossible for anyone to be faster than him.

However, this time the situation was obviously different. The opponents all came prepared, and there was someone who landed before Qin Fan, and there were more than one.

Either it's a skydiving hang, or these people have all studied skydiving technology thoroughly.

Qin Fan didn't know the reason, and he didn't have time to think about it.

As soon as he landed, there were three people running towards the 'dagger' under his feet in front of his face.

If there were no moaning Yangyang above his head, like a disaster-stricken grasshopper, overwhelming a large group of enemies, he could just pick up the bullets now, and then fight these three people. With his operation and strength, this method is right. The option with the lowest blood loss.

But this method is too time-consuming, the fist damage is low, and you have to find ways to fight with less hits. Seeing that a large number of people are about to fall from the top of the head, and a group of people on the roof are about to pick up the gun, he doesn't even know what to do. There is no time to wrestle with these people.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet, pick up the gun and bullets, and kill these three people in the fastest way regardless of the loss.

"Leave the gun and leave. Our team wants Zhang Xue's head." One of them said to Qin Fan in the open microphone.

Qin Fan laughed and said, "Is it so sure that you can kill me?"

"One of the three of us headshot you and you will lie down with a punch. Do you think you will have a chance to be shot?" One person said with a sneer.

"That's not necessarily the case." Qin Fan said.

As soon as the words were said, there was no room for maneuver. The three of them shouted and cursed directly, and threw their fists at Qin Fan.

"Since this is the case, then don't blame the man for being merciless. If you want to blame it, blame your teammates for not parachuting."

Qin Fan picked up the gun and the bullets, put the gun away and ran away. Taking advantage of the three of them jumping and hitting the ground, Qin Fan opened a distance of about five meters from them, and reloaded the bullets while stepping back.

The three came sprinting, the distance of five meters was reached in an instant, and they jumped at Qin Fan again. At this moment, his bullet was only half loaded.

"As I said, you won't have a chance to reload the magazine at all, so you should obediently put down the gun." One of them sneered and said contemptuously. He seemed to have seen that Qin Fan retracted the gun again in order to avoid being killed. An image of turning around and running away like a bereaved dog.

(End of this chapter)

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