Chapter 801 Instant Kill
Surrounded by three people, once headshot, that is the end of death.

However, facing the fists thrown by the three of them, Qin Fan remained motionless, as if resigned to his fate.

The three of them were also slightly surprised, but they didn't think too much about it. Now the most important thing is to grab the gun and clear the talent.

At the moment when the fists of the three of them were about to hit Qin Fan's head, Qin Fan suddenly fell down.

The three vowed to jump and smash, and they all missed...


The "short sword" in Qin Fan's hand heard the last few "clicks" of the upper clip, and the scalps of the three felt numb.

But now it was too late to run, so they could only bite the bullet.

Qin Fan'zz' got up quickly to avoid the attacks of the three, but at the critical moment of reloading, he didn't dare to run too fast, otherwise the process of reloading would be interrupted.

Dodging left and right twice, the bullet was finally reloaded, but his blood volume was directly beaten into an endangered state by the three of them, and another punch would be enough to kill him.

"What's the use of good bullets? Do you have the life to shoot?" One person sneered and hammered towards Qin Fan.

They have given up jumping and smashing right now. Although it is easy to get headshots and does high damage, the fault tolerance rate is too low, and the left and right Qin Fan is only on the verge of endangered blood. .

"Hehe..." Qin Fan smiled instead of anger, "I'll just stand here and see if you guys are going to hit me?"

The three of them snorted coldly and rushed forward together. Qin Fan really stood there motionless as he said.

"Arrogance, I'm looking for death..."

Before one person finished speaking, the gunshot in Qin Fan's hand rang out, and his voice stopped abruptly. He stared dumbfounded at the enemy standing upright in front of him, and then at himself and the two teammates beside him.

But in the blink of an eye, all three of them were knocked down...

"Drag...Drag Spear Technique" The three of them looked at the enemy in front of them in shock.

This gun was so fast that they could hardly see how the opponent attacked him.

It is common sense that the 'dagger' has a fast rate of fire, but who can bring the high rate of fire and high burst of the 'dagger' to such an extent?

As Qin Fan said, he didn't even need to move. Once he was told to load the bullet, he could instantly kill three people.

If the three of them had helmets, Qin Fan might have to spend a little more effort, but unfortunately they didn't. With the three bare heads, in front of the 'dagger', it would take less than half a second to kill the three of them.

"Just wait, our teammate will soon..." The three of them became angry with embarrassment, and they couldn't hold back their face. They quickly started to put pressure on their teammates. There are no bunkers.

With a random bullet, Qin Fan would be stunned wherever it hit, and there was no way to shoot directly.

However, before the three of them finished speaking, they saw that the enemy in front of them was squatting behind the three of them, planning to use the three of them as a cover to fight...

The three of them were resentful and speechless. Just as they were about to move their positions, they heard a very rapid shooting sound in front of them. Immediately, the three of them went limp and turned into corpses.

"This is your teammate? The courier delivery was solid, fat and oily." Qin Fan teased while licking the enemy's bag.

"Fuck, this early shot is really disgusting." The last person who was knocked down cursed angrily, and quit the game directly.

(End of this chapter)

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