Chapter 803 Dilemma
Because almost every game of Qin Fan in the live broadcast room was made into highlights and uploaded to Zhang Xue's live broadcast room.

Every highlight is four rows with more than 2000 points, all [-] kills in a single game. Do you think people cheat you with this level of operation?Even if Qin Fan really cheated him, the fans would say that it was him who cheated, instead of thinking it was Qin Fan's fault...

"Forty people? You can't kill him even if you cheat, you think highly of him." The male anchor said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he received Qin Fan's screen-swiping killing information. Qin Fan's ID kept beating on his screen.


Qin Fan's landing point was on the north side of the school. Compared with the south side, there were fewer people here. There were about three teams.

These two guns are basically the guns with the highest refresh rate. More than 40 people jump one point, let alone guns. Those who can pick up weapons are considered lucky. people hunted down or fled.

Qin Fan, a man with a gun, jumped off at such a time, slaughtering like a wolf into a herd of sheep.

Around Qin Fan, those without guns can jump for a while longer, but those with guns will die faster. Players below the second-rate professional level have almost no chance to resist Qin Fan, let alone passers-by players.

"The north side is safe." Qin Fan said, and continued: "Xue, help me find a long gun, any gun will do, I'm out of bullets."

"All the bags here have been searched," Zhang Xue said.

"Have you been searched?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

Just as he was about to search the north side for any missing fish, he saw two teammates wearing second-tier armor and carrying two spears appearing in front of him...

Both Qin Fan and Zhang Xue were speechless for a while, and they were nervous for a long time. They didn't even have time to take drugs to clear up the enemy, and these two guys followed behind without any help, so they searched for resources? ? ?

"Master, you are so powerful, I can't even lick your bag while playing with you." The hostess Wen Wen said excitedly.

The male anchor was silent and did not speak.

Qin Fan said: "Master is out of bullets, give me some five-five-six bullets."

The two of them were silent for a long while, and then the hostess Wen Wen said with a look of embarrassment: "But I only have twenty rounds of five-five-six bullets..."

Zhang Xue couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He and Qin Fan fought all the way, and they heard less than six five-five-six shots in total. Even if everyone only picked up thirty rounds of five-five-six bullets, it is impossible Twenty rounds are so few...

Qin Fan also shook his head involuntarily. His attitude is very obvious. If you want to lie down but don’t want to give resources, if you want the horse to run but don’t want to feed the horse, what else can you do? Just keep fighting later, he kills , Zhang Xue licked the bag, otherwise he would have to be dragged down by these two teammates.

"Xue, give me your pan." Qin Fan said, there is only one bullet in his gun now, even if the enemy is a first-level helmet, he can't kill him with a headshot.

As soon as he picked up Zhang Xue's frying pan, he heard a rush of running sound from the south side, and the sound became louder and louder from far to near.

Qin Fan's heart tightened, and he rushed out. The two teammates were hopeless, so he could only gamble that this person didn't have a helmet.

However, the facts made him despair. This person not only has a helmet, but also a third-level helmet...

This is very embarrassing.

The man also heard Qin Fan's footsteps, judged Qin Fan's purpose, and wanted to take advantage of the cover at the corner to hit him, so he quickly used the corner of the stairs as a cover to catch Qin Fan's vision.

Qin Fan sighed in his heart. With one bullet, the possibility of hitting the gun is too low...

But he had to fight, this was his last long-range attack method, and he didn't even have a grenade on him.

(End of this chapter)

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