Chapter 804 Master
Qin Fan stuck in the corner bunker, used the last few bandages and the last bottle of painkiller, and his blood volume was almost replenished. Just about to lean forward to lure the enemy, a person suddenly squeezed in front of him, and almost missed him from behind the bunker Not to mention squeezing out, it also blocked his vision.

Looking at this person's ID, it is the female anchor Wenwen...

Qin Fan felt helpless for a moment. A teammate who can't play is equivalent to half the enemy, even more obstructive than the enemy. After all, the enemy will give him equipment after killing him.

But when you encounter this kind of teammates who can't play, are selfish, want to lie down, and want to grab resources, they will get in the way at critical moments, hinder your offensive rhythm, and drag the team back.

Qin Fan would rather be surrounded by a full formation than encounter such teammates.

Very poor gaming experience.

Qin Fan wanted to switch the frying pan on the spot and shoot the female anchor to death.

"That person is a third-level head, my god, don't start again this time, don't break the third-level head." The female anchor Wen Wen said excitedly.

Qin Fan didn't even bother to talk to her, and followed her behind to lick the resources, and it made sense. The enemy didn't do anything, and he started thinking about her third-level leader. How could he have a temper when he met this teammate.

Zhang Xue's complexion was not very good either, she had had enough of these two annoying guys.

"Don't worry, I only have one bullet, and it won't damage the third-level head." Qin Fan teased coldly.

The female anchor Wenwen, as if she didn't hear Qin Fan's teasing, said like a kitten seeking protection: "You are so powerful, you must be able to kill him, right?"

"That is, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You are so powerful, you have to protect us." The male anchor also followed behind to fan the flames.

Qin Fan listened in disbelief to the two men talking nonsense, did the two make sense?I am powerful so I should protect you?What kind of logic is this?Do I know you well?

Looking at it like this, the corridor here is hard to pass. There are two teammates on the stand, and I only have one bullet. How can I fight?
Originally, it was hard enough for him to fight alone, and he only had a [-]% chance of winning at most. Looking at these two teammates who were like shit sticks, come on, there was no [-]% chance of winning.

If you insist on fighting even though you know you can't, you're giving away your head.

"The Great God can't protect you this time, so the Great God will withdraw first." Qin Fan said, and took Zhang Xue directly to detour downstairs, ready to search for resources downstairs. As long as there are bullets, even if they can only find a handful With a pistol, he also has the confidence to shoot with others.

It is true that a rifle without bullets is inferior to a poker stick.

It was not the first time Qin Fan encountered this kind of predicament. He hit the ground with no bullets and killed the enemy with his bare hands.

But it was the first time to meet this kind of teammates, Qin Fan didn't even expect them to help, as long as they didn't hold back, Qin Fan would be thankful.

Seeing that Qin Fan and Zhang Xue had left, the two anchors wanted to continue to follow Qin Fan, but they couldn't let go of the third-level head on the enemy's head, so they couldn't help hesitating.

"Master, don't you want this third-level head?" said the female anchor Wenwen.

Qin Fan was speechless, what he said, it seemed that if you want someone, you will obediently give him a third-rank head.

Qin Fan ignored them, and continued walking with Zhang Xue. Just as they reached the corner of the stairs, they suddenly heard two explosions.

'S686. 'Qin Fan thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the blood volume of his two teammates turn red, and they met each other, and they were all knocked down.


(End of this chapter)

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