Chapter 808 Blood abuse

The few words that can be read clearly are mostly "wo rough", "this horse", "it's so awesome", "red warning ahead"...etc, expressions of shock .

Gu Cun was stunned again, and suddenly, the footsteps in his ears became more and more rapid, and they were getting closer, a chill ran up Gu Cun's back, his adrenaline soared instantly, and his whole body felt like he had been injected with chicken blood. His eyes became extremely focused and a little scary.

'Bang bang bang...'

After confirming that the opponent had run out of ammunition and food and could only use melee weapons, Gu Cun ran out from behind the bunker, armed with a powerful and finely crafted M762, and shot a shoulder shot at the charging enemy.

The dense barrage of 'swipe' drifts across the screen:
"Gucun is so handsome when he looks serious."

"It's rare to see Gucun play in the state of the game in the live broadcast, earning money."

"To be able to push Gu Cun to such an extent, this buddy is considered awesome."

"Yeah, if you can make Gucun show such a serious state, even if he is killed, he will be proud enough."


All the bullet screens were discussing the status of Gu Cun's sudden seriousness, and suddenly there were two bright red bullet screens floating slowly:

"Gucun has emptied seven guns..."

"This person's physicality is poisonous..."

The audience was so heated that they forgot about the ongoing battle for a moment. When they saw these two barrages, everyone couldn't help but frown for a while, and they couldn't help but prepare to rant against them.

Just when they were about to type, they heard a 'boom', a crisp and pleasant sound, which is the sound made by a pan hitting their heads...

The hearts of the audience suddenly turned cold, and they quickly looked at the battle in the live broadcast room, but saw that the isolated screen was already dark, and the corpse was directly shot into the sky by this frying pan...

The two words 'eliminated' in the center of the screen have never been so dazzling as they are today.

One-on-one, they still took the frying pan, charged over in the empty corridor, and even Gu Cun showed his game state, but was still single-killed.

This method of killing is simply a technical massacre.

The barrage that was like Jiang Huihai a moment ago in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped flowing at this moment.

No one spoke, and there were no words to express their current mood. The most popular and powerful player in the country, the first-line professional player, was tortured by blood?And judging by the name, it seems to be a power leveling?The scene seemed like an unacceptable prank to the audience.

But it's a pity that this is not a prank. The facts are right in front of our eyes. They just used a frying pan to kill their fat and oily anchor just by relying on physical skills and psychological prediction, and they are still harmless...

This fact had such a strong impact on the audience that it was difficult for them to accept this fact for a while.

Gu Cun's whole body seemed to be exhausted, his eyes were dull, he was lying softly on the gaming chair, staring stupidly at the enemy who was licking his bag on the screen, feeling as if It was as if something had been broken.

That was the self-confidence of a professional player. He was so proud of his skills and strength, but he was smashed to pieces by someone else, and he couldn't even put it together.

The atmosphere in Zhang Xue's live broadcast room was completely opposite to that of the lonely live broadcast room, full of jubilation, all kinds of gifts almost swiped the screen, and everyone cheered: "Brother is awesome, number one in the world. "

The two little anchors were also dumbfounded. Seeing the piles of poop gifts from the fans in their live broadcast room, they couldn't be happy at all.

It's also a gift, people send rockets and the like, and when they come to them, it's poop...

(End of this chapter)

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