Chapter 809
The two of them never imagined that Qin Fan could be so strong, relying on a frying pan alone, tossing and turning all the way, he even killed a professional master in a magic costume alone, leaving him alone.

Gu Cun was extremely depressed, and silently clicked on the spectator camera, watching the enemies on the screen start a frantic massacre of the enemies south of the school after looting his equipment.

Yes, it's completely different from the bitter battle of Gucun, this person is completely one-sided massacre, no team can survive in front of him for ten seconds, and even single-handedly fighting three teams is as easy as playing monkeys.

Once Qin Fan developed, these amateur players would not be able to organize an effective resistance in front of him.

Want to pull a gun to surround and kill Qin Fan?Qin Fan would not give them this chance at all. Their so-called tactics were like child's play in Qin Fan's eyes. Before they started organizing tactics, Qin Fan had already defeated them one by one.

From 5 to 36 to [-] to [-], and then to [-] to [-], in less than [-] minutes, Qin Fan wiped out the enemies in the entire school after wearing the magic costume, killing a total of [-] people.

In less than 10 minutes after the start, 36 enemies were killed. Gu Cun sighed deeply, secretly sighing that there are indeed great gods among the people.

Suddenly, a person's name began to appear on the bullet screen in Gucun's live broadcast room—"The mysterious master of Douyu, code name, little brother."

"This is the first sister of Douyu, Zhang Xue's boyfriend, who once killed Wei Shen alone."

"Some time ago, this buddy became very popular. He dragged a gun line and dragged more than a dozen 'fairies' by himself. In the end, he really let him go into the den of the gods. He killed several gods by himself."

"Hey, it turned out to be a hidden boss. No wonder he is so flamboyant. It's not shameful for us to lose in his hands. After all, even gods dare to fight head-on..."

"There are even more amazing ones. With his new account, he has only played 20 rounds. After more than [-] hours of game time, he has already entered the top [-] on the Asian server."

"I heard that he played with the beast. In the past, the beast led others to fly, but he killed forty times in a single game, and led the beast to eat chicken..."


As Gucun watched the battle, more and more of Qin Fan's past events in Douyu were found out by the water friends in the Gucun live broadcast room, and they became more and more popular. It's on par, faintly, in this live broadcast room, the strength of 'Brother Douyu' has even begun to surpass that of 'King' under the praise of many water friends.

But in fact, Qin Fan's strength in Douyu has not surpassed that he showed in the World League half a year ago. It's because the opponent is too weak, and it's not enough for him to show [-]% strength.

"It is said that this person was born as a substitute for Caesar..." said a water friend.

The word "Caesar" on the bullet screen instantly attracted Gucun's attention, and then he couldn't help frowning. He had never heard of Caesar having such an unknown substitute.

There were only eight Caesar players. Except for King, there were traces of everyone else, and there were only four substitutes. There would be no new ones... Thinking of this, Gucun's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had a bold idea: 'Could this person be the real body of God King?The Caesars Club is actually fake? '

This idea was really too bold for him, because all signs indicated that King had already signed a contract with Caesars, and he was currently being interviewed by reporters at the Caesars Club, how could he appear here.

(End of this chapter)

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