Chapter 810 New Gun M762
Gu Cun's latest understanding of Qin Fan is still limited to his identity as the coach of the Tanlang team, and the industry is now spreading the news that Xingchen will be acquired by Caesars, so it seems very reasonable for King, who is the coach of Tanlang, to return to Caesars.

But after seeing the enemy's operating habits and style of play, Gu Cun began to doubt the most authoritative news in the industry. He felt that King should still be wandering around among the people, with nowhere to hide.

For example, this little brother of Douyu is very suspicious.

Folk masters?Real pros never believe this.

The strength of professional players is inseparable from the training environment, conditions, training plans, etc. For ordinary players, this is a game, but for professional players, this is their job.

They have the most scientific training conditions and plans at the moment, and they have a lot of platforms to burn money for them and improve their strength. What they are exposed to is the most cutting-edge tactical system at the moment.

In comparison, what do folk players have?
This is the absolute gap in terms of conditions, the unequal information, talent alone can make up for this gap.

So he felt that this so-called 'Brother Douyu' was definitely a professional player, and one of the top professional players in the world.

There are only a few players who can stand at the top of the world of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and this identity is ready to be revealed.

In Gu Cun's heart, he already had a very clear answer.

After knowing the identity of this "brother fighting fish", Gu Cun felt relieved that he was solo killed by the enemy charging with a frying pan.After all, this person is number one in the world, an existence that even he strives to look up to, and there is no shame in being tortured and killed by him.

After knocking down the school, both Qin Fan and Zhang Xue were poor.

Everyone has guns and armor, as well as backpacks, but consumables are pitifully small.

Two people, the bullets of the four guns add up to only fifty rounds. On average, the bullets in each gun are not enough to fill even one magazine.

Not to mention medicines, two people share three bandages, there is not even a bottle of drink, and the throwing object is only a cigarette bomb, it cannot be poorer...

The battle in the school district room wasn't over yet. Fortunately, Zhang Xue still had a sniper, and the two of them were using their bullets, so it wasn't impossible to fight.

In terms of sniper skills, Qin Fan is of course much better than Zhang Xue, but it was agreed before the start that Qin Fan will be the support and Zhang Xue will be the sniper, so naturally he can't break his promise.

Although Zhang Xue's level is not high, it is comparable to the level of first-line professional players, and there is no pressure to snipers with these passer-by players.

She set up the gun, Qin Fan charged, and with the cooperation of the two, they quickly took the two teams of people who were facing each other in the school district room.

Half of the credit for Qin Fan's ability to achieve assault effects in such a state of scarce resources is due to the new gun M762. Qin Fan fell in love with this gun as soon as he got started. In an instant, its status surpassed that of AKM.

In terms of damage, M762 is two points lower than AKM, but the second damage of M762 is higher than that of AKM, because its rate of fire is very explosive.

What makes Qin Fan most addictive is the recoil of this gun. The horizontal recoil is comparable to the M416, and it cannot be more stable.

Of course, the vertical recoil is also ridiculously large. After 14 rounds of bullets are fully automatic, the vertical recoil of this gun can compete with the MK[-].

However, this problem is not too big. Qin Fan can even suppress the fully automatic MK14, and the vertical recoil of the M762 is insignificant to him, not to mention that this gun can also be equipped with a grip.

(End of this chapter)

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