Chapter 812 Sniper Studio

The second reason is that the emergence of the new gun M762 will greatly weaken the survival status of AKM.

AKM's simple and crude damage is coveted, but its recoil is daunting, and King is the representative figure of AKM users.

His eight times AKM pressure gun once made him synonymous with AKM.

Many professional players want to try to control AKM, but unfortunately, no one has done it so far.

In Qin Fan's words, it's not that they can't do it, but that they can't persist until the moment of success. AKM is a gun that needs to be tamed with patience.

However, now M762 has appeared. This gun also uses 416 bullets. The damage of a single bullet is only a little lower than that of AKM. …

The appearance of this gun can be regarded as fulfilling the dreams of many players. Even if they don't use AKM, they can still play most of the operations that King used to do with AKM.

And the effect is even better than AKM.

As soon as King's rematch was announced, a series of stumbling obstacles were set up invisibly for King's road to the rematch, which was simply a perfect dismount.

But the opponents don't agree with that, they think these are pure nonsense, it's ridiculous to be given so many reasons by a group of idiot fans for a mere game update.

The quarrels come and go, and the quarrels are all about King. In the end, King was pushed to the forefront. Many opponents began to question King's true strength. Can a mere game update make you slump?And let so many idiots defend you?So what are you number one in the world?

Qin Fan didn't know the source of these conflicts that had been brewing in secret, even if he knew, he would just laugh it off.

King?What does it have to do with him?He is no longer King.

Blue Hole's update this time did limit his many killer skills, but it also gave him new tactical ideas and new training plans.

Many people may have forgotten that King was not able to suppress eight times AKM from the beginning, nor could he use AKM smoothly from the beginning.

His strength does not come from AKM, but from his persistence and focus.

The new version can't push him down from the altar, it can only make him go to another peak.

His 98x AKM is indeed impossible to appear again, but his 2000x [-]K [-]-meter sniper has begun to sprout. The shadow that once came from King King will not disappear, it will only become bigger.


After taking down the enemy in the school district, Zhang Xue and Qin Fan embarked on the road of making a fortune again, and then robbed airdrops all the way, shady people, developed, collected tolls, and developed all the way to the finals.

Until the chicken was eaten, Zhang Xue, the sniper, didn't do much, but Qin Fan, the assistant, took her all the way.

This made Zhang Xue very speechless, and she didn't feel the pleasure of being a master sniper at all, but she gave Qin Fan a good meal, told him not to fight so fiercely in the future, and gave himself a little room to play.

After a game ended, Qin Fan was about to go offline when he suddenly received a friend request from a passer-by player. His ID immediately attracted Qin Fan's attention - "sniper studio".

Qin Fan clicked to agree, and the other party immediately sent him a message: "Congratulations on successfully sniping Gucun, join the WeChat group to receive the reward."

The corner of Qin Fan's mouth couldn't help but twitched, showing a playful smile: "I killed Gu Cun? This is embarrassing, the little guy won't be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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