Chapter 813 A group of garbage

Qin Fan accepted the invitation and entered the WeChat group. Of course, he did not enter the WeChat group for the bounty of tens of dollars, but to attack Zhang Xue's behind-the-scenes figures.

There are sniper studios on the left and right, and it is impossible to find out who paid for the sniper Zhang Xue from here.

There are not many chats in the group, most of them are news about the release of tasks, and the live broadcast of some anchors.

There is also a list of sniping anchors and rewards in the group files. Qin Fan read them one by one. Most of them are middle-weight anchors from major platforms, and there are relatively few anchors at the sub-level.

The difficulty of sniping the anchor is divided into five levels: A, B, C, D, and E. A is the highest. The reward for knocking down the anchor is [-], and the reward for killing it is [-]. There is only one person listed as the A-level sniper anchor, and that is Gucun.

Wei Shen's sniper level is one level lower than Gu Cun's, at B level, and the bounty is also much lower than Gu Cun's.

Level E is the lowest, with a bounty of ten yuan for a knockdown and fifteen yuan for a kill. There are many anchors at this level, but few people accept tasks of this level.

To Qin Fan's disappointment, Zhang Xue was not among these anchors, so it seems that the studio that sniped 4AM and Zhang Xue was not the same studio.

'Hey, Gucun is too difficult to kill, and 100 yuan is not easy to get. '

'Don't mention it, in two days I've been in four rounds alone, and I've been instantly killed every time. '

'It's still not technically good. In the last round, I was matched with a pervert, and one person killed the orphan alone. '

'Go to the last round?You mean the pervert who singled out our seven sniper teams? '

'Single out with seven full formations?There is such a person?It can't even be done with plug-ins. '


The Sniper Studio is not limited to this WeChat group, there are not many people in this group who have met Qin Fan, and most people don't know about it. Crowd up.

Qin Fan watched their chats, and probably knew the level of these people's game skills.

The highest rank score will not exceed [-], and the lowest will not be lower than [-]. It is almost such a range. Qin Fan can't help but feel a little disappointed. The strength of these people is much worse than he imagined.

The strength is also uneven, the organization and discipline are not as high as he imagined, and the management model and operation model are not particularly mature.

He originally wanted to see if he could find some capable players in this studio to absorb into the Daqin power training studio, but now it seems that there is little hope.

While these people were chatting hotly, a group member with the ID of 'Old Killing God' sent a message: "Gucun is so weak that you can't even kill him, a bunch of trash."

Qin Fan raised his brows, judging by his tone, this master must have some real skills, otherwise he wouldn't have said such arrogant words.

This map was fired so hard that everyone in the group except him was called rubbish.

Being scolded like this, everyone was of course not happy, and immediately began to refute: 'Didn't you just kill Gucun twice?Your tone is too loud. '

'That is, Gu Cun is a sniper, not an assaulter. What kind of skill is it to kill him face-to-face? '


When everyone was arguing, Qin Fan silently sent a sentence: "Your level is really rubbish..."

After this message was sent out, even the five administrators in the group who posted the task and the news of the anchor were speechless, and the group became quiet all of a sudden, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

'Who is this guy, ID is very unfamiliar, when did the newcomers dare to brag like this? 'Is there 1 drafts in everyone's heart? They are running around endlessly, feeling that their souls have been trampled...

(End of this chapter)

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