Chapter 820 30 Seconds

So...the biggest chance for them to kill Qin Fan is to seize the time when Qin Fan just landed without a gun and start a siege. When Qin Fan has a gun, no matter what kind of gun it is, they will be in danger.

But how could Qin Fan give them a chance?

Since they are fighting, they seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. How can Qin Fan not know their weak points? Since the time of skydiving, Qin Fan has been constantly correcting the angle of skydiving.

He wants to fly to a place where it is impossible to be surrounded and beaten.

"It's flying pretty fast." Qin Fan said, looking at a group of friends around him who were flying as fast as him.

"You also have a parachute hanging?" a group friend asked.

"My hanger? I don't just have a parachute hanger. I have too many hangers. I'll let you see it later." Qin Fan chuckled while controlling the angle.

"Hehe, it's useless to hang up too much, do you think we'll give you a chance?" said 'Big Killer'.

"Brother, you'll be lying down before you get the gun." 'Old Cousin' said.

The crowd followed closely behind Qin Fan, and they flew wherever Qin Fan flew, regardless of Zhang Xue.

They knew very well that if Qin Fan was not dead, they would not be able to kill Zhang Xue.

Qin Fan's goal was the window on the second floor of the training ground of the training base, and his goal was to fly in directly through the window.

There are only two windows in this room. Apart from him, at most two people can come in, wanting to surround him and beat him up when he doesn't have a gun?nonexistent.

"Come on, let me show you my parachute hanger."

Just as Qin Fan finished speaking, there was the sound of umbrellas opening in the surrounding area, and a group of people followed closely behind Qin Fan, flying in circles in the air.

When Qin Fan opened his parachute, he was in the sky above the south side of the training ground, but his target was a small window on the inner south side of the training ground. It was quite difficult to fly over to this position, as he had to make several large circles in the air to go around.

After flying to the inner circle, it may not be able to jump to the window accurately...

Qin Fan's umbrella only made one circle in the air, and more than half of the people were shaken and left behind. After another circle, a few more people were left behind. When they flew to the inner circle of the training ground, only ' The super masters of the four studios of "Da Sha Shen", "Little Tiger", "Miaomiao", and "Old Biao".

"Damn it, this guy's skydiving is so weird, he bypassed everyone." 'Miaomiao' frowned as he looked at a group of teammates who were lost behind him.

"What the hell, can't the four of us beat him?" 'Big Killer' said unconvinced.

"That's right, I haven't seen any anchor who can let the four of us snipe at the same time." 'Xiaohu' said.

"If he is really allowed to run away alive today, it would be a big shame." 'Old Cousin' said.

"Run? Hmph, it doesn't exist." 'Big Killer' said disdainfully.

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Fan's umbrella suddenly lifted up, passed through the window impartially, and landed right in the room.

And the four of them fell directly to the ground, and the four of them were stunned. They all lost, and even the four of them were dumped...

"What a shame." 'Big Killer' said angrily.

Qin Fan looked at the four people who landed behind him, and was speechless for a while. Did he really overestimate these people, and he couldn't keep up with his own umbrella?It's normal to be dumped by eleven or twelve, but it's too good to not keep up with one...

"Don't talk about it, quickly find a gun and kill him. Our best attack time is only 30 seconds. It will be difficult to fight other enemies when they land."'Xiaohu' said.

"It's enough to kill him in 30 seconds." 'Little Tiger' said.

(End of this chapter)

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