Chapter 821 You Already Lost
"Pay attention to coordination, we have four singles out, none of them is his opponent, we can only have a chance if we cooperate with each other." 'Miaomiao' said.

"Cooperate with me, I've never tried to persuade anyone." 'Big Killer' turned over and entered the room, picked up the QBZ assault rifle and [-] bullets on the ground, left a sentence, and rushed straight up to the second floor .

His heart has been holding back for a long time, and he can't take it anymore. They never use cheats in games. For players of their level, using cheats is an insult to their skills. They are confident that their marksmanship is no better than cheats. how much difference.

However, this time, in order to target the player who opened the parachute hang, they were forced to open the hang, and felt that their skills were greatly humiliated.

Finally, the game landed, and there was a gun just after landing, and the anger in my heart seemed to have found an outlet, and I couldn't control it all at once.

In fact, it's not just him, the other three super gods are also holding fire in their hearts, but because the task has not been completed, they don't dare to act like the 'big killer'.

But the three of them didn't stop him, after all...they wanted to do it themselves.

"Let him go, let that power leveling experience the individual strength of our studio, let's hurry to find a gun..." 'Miaomiao' said.

Before he could finish his words, there was a rapid 'beep' sound from the 'Dagger' on the second floor, his heart skipped a beat, and then the teammate 'Little Tiger' of 'Big Killer' was prompted by the system to knock him down...

'Xiaohu' was stunned on the spot: "What's the situation, you fell down without firing a single shot?"

'Big Killer' said quickly: "I made a mistake, come up to save me, he didn't make up for me."

"What about others?" 'Miaomiao''s heart skipped a beat. He had just picked up the gun and the bullets hadn't been loaded yet. He was afraid that Qin Fan would jump down from the building and hit him at this moment.

"He danced in front of me." 'Big Killer' said through gritted teeth, so angry that his teeth were chattering when he spoke.

Everyone: "..."

This buddy really has a big heart, so don't you take us seriously?

"You wait, I'll see how long you can keep playing." 'Big Killer' said to Qin Fan angrily.

"You have already lost since skydiving, and the best attack time of 30 seconds can't save your lives." Qin Fan laughed and danced in front of him without haste, angrily ' Grind your teeth.

"Pa-ta-pa-ta..." The footsteps downstairs began to rush, and Qin Fan recognized his position by hearing the sound. One rushed up from the stairs on the outer wall, and two came up from the stairs, trying to surround him.

"Miaomiao, be careful, don't be killed by him alone." 'Little Tiger' said.

'Miaomiao' is the great god who rushed up from the outer wall of the corridor.

"Don't worry, I won't give him a chance." 'Miaomiao' said.

The three of them moved forward very cautiously all the way, for fear of being caught by the 'short sword' in Qin Fan's hand, but until the three of them succeeded in encircling them, they didn't see Qin Fan's shadow...

"He jumped out of the window." 'Big Killer' reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, a small ball of Hei Bulongdong flew in from the window, and the ball spun and went straight to the position under the three of them.

"Grenade! Run." The three yelled, and all their souls were shaken, and they turned around and left.

However, it was already too late, Qin Fan took such a big risk, and only started to jump off the building to escape when they were about to close the siege successfully. How could he give them a chance to escape?

His grenade had already been pulled from the moment he turned over and jumped off the building. When they succeeded in encircling him, a perfect land mine would be ready when they were most relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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