Chapter 826
After a wave of sweeping, only ten people left died, and two were left. Those two were enemies who were abandoned by Qin Fanxu after changing their attack targets. He followed Qin Fan all the way and failed to fight. Not to mention Qin Fan, he was lost...

Watching Qin Fan jumping up and down in front of them, I don't know where to go, and I feel that my IQ has been greatly humiliated...

At this moment, Zhang Xue had already landed, the two of them could only turn their heads and rush towards Zhang Xue's landing point. This was their last chance.

"What the hell, this person isn't playing a game with us, is he?" The 'old cousin' watched Qin Fan roll and jump all the way, appearing like a ghost, followed by four or five 'followers' who didn't catch him With one shot, he killed three of them back.

After watching Qin Fan's gameplay, 'Old Cousin' felt that his two years of playing games had been wasted.

"It's over, it's over, this list is over." 'Miaomiao' said.

"Hey, it's not wrong to lose, this person's body style is too flamboyant."'Xiaohu' sighed.

The three of them were all convinced, only the 'Big Cousin' was stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat. Although he knew in his heart that he was definitely no match for this person, even if the four of them fought together, they might not be able to win, but I just couldn't swallow my breath in my heart, and I was convinced that I couldn't accept it.

Qin Fan's movement skills are not all due to his movement skills, but mainly because he has a high degree of mastery and familiarity with the terrain. Cooperating with his listening and debating position, when he knows the position of the enemy behind him, he can easily jump Jump into the blind spot of the pursuer's vision, then launch a short and fierce counterattack, and then retreat quickly.

This is called the "single dog walking tactic", which is actually a variant of guerrilla tactics. Qin Fan has already used it in the world arena, when attacking buildings and attacking four, but the major world-class teams think this tactic is extremely risky. And the fault tolerance rate is low, once you are knocked down, you will die, so no one studies this tactic.

However, the "dog walking technique" matched with this tactic has attracted the attention of many professional players. However, because the error rate is too high, once there is a slight mistake in the terrain or listening to the sound, it will be knocked down by the chasing soldiers. , and was later abandoned by them.

The same is the 'dog walking technique', when Qin Fan uses it, there is zero error, but when other world-class team's assaulters or free agents use it, he will make frequent mistakes.

Is Qin Fantian's score too high?Or is he too much stronger than other players?In fact, it is not. Qin Fan's talent is not high, and his strength is only stronger than others in basic skills.

In Qin Fan's words, he can do many operations that others can't, not because he is too strong, nor because he is talented, but because those learners are too stupid...

Or it could be said that his IQ is too high, there are so many different terrains in the whole map, who can remember every corner and corner of the terrain?Qin Fanneng.

There are so many people chasing after him, and he has to run away all the way, how can he judge clearly by listening to the sound?Exactly?Qin Fanneng.

So, it's not that he is too strong, but that Qin Fan can always easily do some things that are easily judged as impossible.

For many things, such as memorizing maps, many teams are discouraged by this, thinking that they can't memorize them, and even use some excuses such as "memorized it, it's useless in actual combat".

(End of this chapter)

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