Chapter 827 The Gap
But few people are willing to take action for this seemingly difficult thing, so it has become a seemingly impossible task.

And those who are really willing to take action for this will not care whether it is difficult or not, and how difficult it is.

Instead of thinking about whether you can do it, it is better to think about how to do it.

Those two people were sneaking towards Zhang Xue's direction. Qin Fan saw that Zhang Xue was bleeding, and wanted to go to help, but Zhang Xue refused. She is not a fool. It can be seen that these people are running after her. , just like Douyu Qianqian back then.

But Zhang Xue is no longer the Zhang Xue she used to be. Now she is more independent and stronger, has her own loyal fans, and has her own opinions.

Gender is no excuse for being a coward.

She has been working hard, she wants to be the first sister of Douyu, she wants to be worthy of Qin Fan, she wants to make herself look less ordinary, she longs for one day to stand in front of Qin Fan and protect Qin Fan from the wind and rain, Just like how Qin Fan looked when he paid for her.

But she grew up too slowly, and Qin Fan was too good. She stood on tiptoe, ran hard, learned Qin Fan's reading, reading newspapers, practicing calligraphy every day, and even started to get up early and do morning exercises.

But she still couldn't catch up with Qin Fan. Even before she started studying, she could still imagine Qin Fan's height and Qin Fan's back, and set a goal for herself. How far is the gap between Qin and Vatican?

Every time she took one more step forward, or chased one more step forward, Qin Fan's back became thinner in her eyes, and her goal became farther away from her.

She was desperate in her heart, and she even started to feel a little scared, afraid of losing Qin Fan.

It wasn't until she started to catch up with Qin Fan's height that she really realized how far Qin Fan was from her, that distance, as if the two were not from the same world at all.

This feeling made her feel unreal and unreal, making her feel like she was in a dream.

That kind of illusory feeling made her feel that this unreachable man, this man whom she loved deeply, might disappear from her world at any moment...

So she panicked, she wanted to bear something she could bear for this relationship, this was the first time she rejected Qin Fan, Qin Fan didn't say much.

He has seen Zhang Xue's situation during this time. In fact, in his eyes, whether it is the Zhang Xue who was busy every day for the rent in the past, or the first sister of Douyu who earns tens of thousands a month this month. , Zhang Xue has never changed.

It's just that when I first fell in love, I had too much dependence on him. Girls, who doesn't have a little princess in their hearts, it's normal to long for the protection of their boyfriends.

Now I just felt the sweetness and picked up the personality that longed for independence again. This kind of Zhang Xue is complete and spiritual. Honey can’t be eaten every day, it must return to life, return to plainness ,face the reality.

Life is not a movie. If two people really plan to spend their whole life together, they must be prepared to face the impact of a long and ordinary life.

There is a plain taste, and sweetness has sweet fun. Life is a five-flavored bottle, and you will taste all the flavors that should come.

It's just that the situation of Zhang Xue and Qin Fan is a bit different. It's not so easy for them to be as ordinary as ordinary people. The distance between them is too far away. One is a prince in the sky and the other is a Cinderella in the mortal world.

It is not the difference in status, but the distance in thinking and knowledge is too far. Such a pair of mandarin ducks will not last long.

Either Qin Fan pretended to be a dick all his life, or Zhang Xue tried his best to climb up and was as tall as Qin Fan. They had to stand on the same level in order to live an ordinary life in the true sense.

Just like Qin Fan's parents, although the status gap is huge, the ideological distance is not far away. Such a beautiful couple can be called a match made in heaven.

Zhang Xue still has a long way to go. The distance between her and Qin Fan is not only the distance in the e-sports arena.

(End of this chapter)

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