841 Chapter [-]

Qin Fan naturally also noticed the situation here, but the lights were so dim that he couldn't see the face of the man over there clearly. Even if he saw the face clearly, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize it...

He has met so many unruly reporters, how can he remember Xu Xiaoyu, an ordinary girl from Shanghai.

When Xu Xiaoyu first started taking pictures, he felt that something was wrong. He felt like he was being secretly peeped, but when he saw the idiots around him, he thought he was taking pictures of them.

In order to prevent himself from being photographed by accident and appearing on some entertainment news for no reason, Qin Fan quickly got up and moved his chair and food, and called Zhang Dewei, Wang Youcai, and Zhuge Qingyun to change places.

Park Changqing and the others were trapped in their own happiness and couldn't extricate themselves, they didn't notice their actions at all.

But then they realized something was wrong, the reporter's camera... was in the wrong direction...

Why did they start to shoot randomly in the middle of the filming? They looked in the direction of Xu Xiaoyu's camera, and ten thousand grass mud suddenly floated in their minds. What the hell...why did they start filming Qin Fan?We're the school team, okay?This reporter doesn't know who the members of the school team are...

Thinking of this, everyone was in a mess again. This reporter is too unreliable. Didn't they all do their work well in advance?

Immediately, Park Changqing led a few people forward, walked behind Xu Xiaoyu, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Ms. Reporter?"

Xu Xiaoyu let out an irritable 'tsk', and replied impatiently: "Don't bother me, don't you see that I'm working?"

Everyone was speechless, and quickly reminded: "Do you know who the members of our school team are?"

"I don't know." Xu Xiaoyu replied impatiently.

Everyone: "..."

As a reporter, why don't you know who you should photograph?

Originally, Xu Xiaoyu's job as a reporter was just for fun, and she didn't do serious work well, let alone this kind of work that she was sent over, she was even less interested in doing it.

I should shoot whoever I want, and I can shoot whoever I want, this is Xu Xiaoyu's work principle...

"We are the members of the school team. He is just a passerby with technical rubbish. Can you please correct your work attitude?" Park Changqing also lost his temper, and turned Xu Xiaoyu to face him.

As soon as Xu Xiaoyu turned around, a white light flashed from the camera, and he quickly covered his eyes. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a huge force from his lower abdomen, kicking him to the ground.

Park Changqing was helped up by the people behind him in a panic. Looking at the woman in front of him who looked very gentle but was so violent, Park Changqing actually had a feeling of heartbeat...

However, before he could say anything, he saw the woman in front of him swinging her satchel and hammering at him, shouting as she hammered, "What are you compared to him? If he is a passerby with technical rubbish, You are non-recyclable feces, shit. You, what, dare to call me an idol, if I don’t kick you to death today, you will be lucky.”

A group of people around looked at the female reporter who suddenly went berserk and chased after Park Changqing, and they even thought about tomorrow's news headlines: "Shocked: female reporter interviewed for money and was beaten for no reason." Contestants, whether it is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality."

Park Changqing, however, heard Xu Xiaoyu's words clearly, especially the words like "What are you compared to him", "Dare to call me an idol"... etc. Suddenly, a storm surged in his heart.

How did Qin Fan, a stinky dick who had just gotten rich and no one paid attention to, become the idol of such a beautiful female reporter? He was completely puzzled...

(End of this chapter)

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