PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 842 3 Views Are Destroyed

Chapter 842 The Three Views Are Destroyed
The more Park Changqing thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. When he went to pursue Yue Lingzi, the flower of the e-sports club, Yue Lingzi told him that he already had a sweetheart. After many inquiries, he found out that Yue Lingzi's sweetheart was actually Qin Fan!
It was even worse when he went to pursue the school belle Qin Shuting. They didn't even look at him, and bluntly said that they could consider getting acquainted with him when he can match one-tenth of Qin Fan's knowledge...

one tenth?Can I not even match one-tenth of this stinky dick?This is simply a humiliation for Chi Guoguo.

Until later in the game, he saw a very lively and pleasant female commentator, and went up to pursue her, but he didn't even see anyone, so he was directly stopped by the staff, saying that the female commentator already had a girlfriend.

And he is still studying in Shangcai, it seems that his surname is... surname... Qin...

Park Changqing was furious at the time, why the hell he couldn't escape the shadow of this stinky dick wherever he went, he just couldn't figure out what is so good about this guy that he can make so many beauties like him?And they are all the beauties who belong to the top class of people who want to be beautiful and have achievements.

I have been enduring it until now, and went to find fault with Qin Fan, but failed to find the fault, and was turned back by the three roommates around Qin Fan.

Now it was so easy to see another girl who made his heart flutter, Xu Xiaoyu, but this girl beat him up straight away, and Qin Fan's height in this girl's heart has risen from a sweetheart to an idol! ?

Idol! ?Park Changqing once felt that he might have heard it wrong. Can the word idol be used indiscriminately?For their e-sports stars, becoming an idol means success in their careers.

As a result, he found that the dream he had pursued so hard for so many years, Qin Fan, a stinky dick, seemed to have achieved it easily.

This... this... this simply ruined Park Changqing's three views...

During this trip to Huaxia as an exchange student, I didn't learn anything else, but I was full of anger, and by the way, I was ravaged by people...

Qin Fan didn't do anything at the gala, but he ate his stomach full and drank enough beer.

As Liang Xuan was the top sniper and captain of the Shangcai school team, socializing was a must at today's gala. A group of people surrounded him chattering and praising him, making him very annoyed.

Can he still not know how much he weighs?In Qin Fan's words, he is now at best a third-rate professional player in China, barely reaching the second-rate professional player, far from a real world-class sniper.

After all, the homework is heavy, and Qin Fan doesn't have much time to pay attention to his training. Qin Fan often arranges a training course for him, and he follows it for half a month...

Sometimes when Qin Fan gets busy, he forgets that he still has such a reserve member...

It wasn't until the end of the gala that Liang Xuan got rid of the heavy entertainment and found Qin Fan, wanting to ask him about his next tactics.

How could Shangcai, under the leadership of Liang Xuan and Park Changqing, make it to the top eight from the e-sports holy land, the magic capital, where there are many colleges and universities.

So far, Shangcai's school team has played a total of six games, each of which is in the top three. This result is mainly due to Qin Fan's tailor-made "vegetable chicken tactical package" for them. '...

Otherwise, relying on a few of them to still want to enter the quarterfinals?how is this possible.

Other schools also have masters who are comparable to professional players. Aren't those people vegetarian?

Qin Fan gradually analyzed Shangcai's tactics for the next few rounds to Liang Xuan. After the two exchanged, Qin Fan got up and left.

Before leaving, he reminded Liang Xuan: "Be careful in the semi-finals, you may bump into me."

(End of this chapter)

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