Chapter 843 Stupid or Horrible
Liang Xuan was not feeling well at the time, what's going on, didn't you not participate in the competition...

But he has nothing to say, he knows that Qin Fan is King, and he also understands that there are many things beyond his knowledge, so he can only ask: "Then how can I stay away from you."

Liang Xuan didn't even think about how to defeat Qin Fan, he just wanted to stay away from Qin Fan...

Just kidding, no one in the whole world can defeat Qin Fan, he doesn't have the courage.

Qin Fan smiled and said, "Look for help."

"Helper?" Liang Xuan's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Who are you looking for?"

Qin Fan: "Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva."

Liang Xuan: "..."

Liang Xuan's head was full of black lines, god damn Nanwu... Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva..., but it seems to be true, there seems to be no other way except praying to gods and Buddhas and praying that he will not meet Qin Fan.

After the boring gala was over, Qin Fan rode his little electric donkey back to the Garden District.

It was originally scheduled to pick up the new employees of the sniper studio at [-]:[-] noon on Saturday, but since the data research of the new firearms is coming to an end, Qin Fan directly handed over the matter to Li Changxiao, and asked Li Changxiao to send a team to go first After picking up the new employees from the sniper studio, and picking him up when there is a spare car, Qin Fan then began to study the data of the new firearms with peace of mind.

I am going to finish the work on these gun data directly today, and then I can concentrate on studying the rainforest map later.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that Qin Fan's research was finally over, but the convoy sent by Li Changxiao hadn't come to pick him up yet...

The efficiency of this work is too touching. Qin Fan wanted to call Li Changxiao, but was worried that he was driving now and it would not be safe to make a call, so he could only wait.

And Li Changxiao seemed to have a feeling in the dark, so he called him at this time, Qin Fan only found out after asking, Li Changxiao is still stuck on the highway...

It's not that he didn't come to pick him up, it's that he hasn't arrived at the train station at all.

The magic city on Saturday is too congested, especially the expressway, which is so congested that it is impossible to move. All six cars are stuck on the expressway and are in a dilemma...

"If there is no traffic jam, how long will it take to reach the train station?" Qin Fan asked.

"At least half an hour." Li Changxiao said.

Qin Fan was speechless: "Then you go back first, I will pick them up."

It will take half an hour if there is no traffic jam. If the traffic continues like this, the sun will come out tomorrow when the people are picked up...

"You road idiot still pick up others, don't lose yourself." Li Changxiao teased.

"If I don't know the way, I don't know how to take the bus or subway..." Qin Fan was also speechless. After the British trip, the whole Greedy Wolf team knew that he was a road idiot. What is the majesty of the devil coach...

As soon as he hung up the phone, Qin Fan saw a bunch of missed calls popping up on his phone, all of which were from the manager of the sniping studio.

Before he could call back, another one came, still the manager of the sniper studio.

"You guys, why haven't you arrived yet? You don't mean to trick us..." Qin Fan just heard the manager speak with a strong Tangshan accent as soon as he got on the phone.

Qin Fan was also a little embarrassed, it was really inappropriate to ask people to wait at the train station for more than three hours.

"The road is too congested, we will arrive later." Qin Fan said.

"We'll wait another hour at most, and we'll go back when no one comes to pick us up." The manager said angrily.

Hearing his attitude, Qin Fan hung up the phone directly. Has this kid not figured out his situation... and is he still being so rude to him?

(End of this chapter)

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