Chapter 844
Li Changxiao set off three hours ahead of schedule. Even if the convoy arrived at the train station, there would be a traffic jam of at most two and a half hours. However, he did not expect to be stuck in this traffic jam. He was stuck in a traffic jam on the expressway for six hours. Haven't gotten off the highway yet.

This is also an unpredictable variable. We all know that there will be traffic jams in Shanghai on Saturdays, but it is rare for traffic jams to reach this point. In the end, they happened to run into them. This can only be considered unlucky.

And the manager's attitude as if he had taken gunpowder without asking the reason of the matter also made Qin Fan feel very strange. If they accepted the conditions, it meant that they would soon become part of their subordinates.

With this attitude, it is obvious that these people are either stupid or arrogant.

If it is stupid, it means that they have not figured out their current position. If it is arrogant, then they are really arrogant. Qin Fan gave them a good face, and they thought they were so powerful, and even flirted with Qin Fan. It's on the score.

What kind of rebellious genius Qin Fan has never seen before?Even a guy like Black Eagle, who can't be controlled by anyone, is submissive in his hands.

Qin Fan didn't get angry because of their attitude. After all, he was late, and he was really at a loss. As for their stupidity and arrogance, Qin Fan didn't take it to heart. They will naturally know how serious their current behavior is in the future. stupid.

Qin Fan drove the navigation and took the subway to the train station. After arriving at the train station, he called the manager, but he didn't answer...

He called again, but still didn't answer. Qin Fan was a little anxious. Although the city is very safe, the train station is full of dragons and snakes. It is inevitable that there will be dregs living in the dark side of society operating here.

He was really afraid that these people would be so stupid that they would be tricked away by human traffickers and they would be taken away...

Qin Fan wandered around the train station for more than half an hour when the phone rang. It was the manager of the sniper studio. Qin Fan picked it up quickly, but he was very angry and asked him why he bothered him to play games?

Qin Fan's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he was anxious to find them here, fearing that they would be lost, but these people were lucky, knowing that he was coming to pick them up, they were still playing games in the Internet cafe, and even questioned themselves after the game Why bother people.

Qin Fan was really a little annoyed, and said in a cold voice: "I'll give you 5 minutes to gather at Exit C of the subway station near the train station. If anyone is late, he will go back."

"Hey... you still have..." On the other end of the phone, the manager of the sniper studio just said four words angrily. Qin Fan had already hung up the phone just as he started to speak.

Looking at the hung up phone, the manager was a little confused. He always felt that Qin Fan was willing to spend money to invite them here because he wanted them to help with something, so the manager had always had a condescending attitude since he was in Shanghai.

As a result, Qin Fan gave them such a note of Ma Wei before they met, which made him a little confused about the situation. Who asked whom to do things?

He really hasn't figured out the situation yet, and there is no one asking anyone to do something now. From the very beginning, it was Qin Fan who put a knife on his neck to force him to come here, and paid them travel expenses, board and lodging. It was Qin Fan. Take care of your subordinates instead of asking them for something.

From the very beginning, they put on the wrong mentality, and making faces for Qin Fan was tantamount to asking for trouble.

"Boss, what's the situation?" Near the train station, in the xx Internet cafe, a young man with yellow hair was smoking a cigarette, looking at their manager nonchalantly and said.

This person is the 'Big Killer' who has always harbored resentment towards Qin Fan...

"He asked us to get to Exit C of the subway station within 5 minutes." The manager said with a confused face.

He told Qin Fan before that he would hide it from his subordinates first, but looking at the current situation, he obviously did not do what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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