Chapter 845 You Are Really Poor

The yellow-haired 'Big Killer' spat the cigarette on the ground with disdain, crushed it, and then said: "A small power leveling studio is still pretending to be a big-tailed wolf like this, even if we are not within 5 minutes. So what if we rush to the subway station."

"How come, how come back, these are his original words." The manager shrugged and said.

"Hehe, it seems that this person has a bit of a temper." 'Old Cousin' said with a sneer.


Just when everyone was chatting, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl next to her suddenly said: "It's not good for us, after all, we spent other people's money to play in Shanghai, and even flirted with them, right? unacceptable."

Everyone was about to refute when they heard the words, but when they saw it was her, they all curled their lips and swallowed the words that came to their lips.

This girl is the younger sister of their manager, and the tactics used in their studio are said to be developed by their manager, but in fact, they are all thanks to the manager's younger sister...

Although this little girl is the youngest in the studio, her status is the highest here.

Their original intention was actually to use Qin Fan to cover travel expenses, board and lodging, and then come to Shanghai for a visit, inspect this place by the way, and then find a den by themselves and start from scratch.

They are used to being kings of the mountain and living a life without restraint, how could they bow their heads to Qin Fan so easily and become a group of ministers.It's just that they didn't expect that the money owner seemed to have a very aggressive temper, which made them feel that the money seemed a bit difficult to get...

The manager sighed: "Okay, for the sake of his spending money, let's sell him to save face. Anyway, we have already arrived in Shanghai. If they dare to show us a face when we get there, we will play in Shanghai at our own expense." One lap, and I won’t be affected by his bird spirit.”

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and thought it made sense, and they could see that this benefactor must not have much money. A person who came to pick them up by subway, how much money would he have...

If it weren't for the fact that Qin Fan was still covering him, he would have ignored him a long time ago.

Immediately, he packed up and saluted in a mighty manner, and rushed to Exit C of the subway station.

When they rushed to Exit C in a hurry, they saw a young man wearing ordinary casual clothes with short hair and looking at something on his mobile phone standing at Exit C of the subway station.

I couldn't help thinking about it, it can't be this person, he doesn't look like a rich man, what kind of house can we live in...

Since they will work together in the future, the residence Qin Fan arranged for them is naturally to live with Tanlang.

As for Team Tanlang, because of their recent departure from the Star Club, the situation is more sensitive, and the major media are staring at them, so Qin Fan arranged the dormitory of Team Tanlang in a quite secluded suburban villa area.

The villa is rented. After all, it is only a short-term stay, and he will return to the city center in the future. All the recent training, meals, activities, etc. of Tanlang are in this villa.

The villa is far away from the city center. Even if the road is unimpeded, it will take more than an hour. Once there is a traffic jam, it will take more than two hours. Li Changxiao brought two extended commercial vehicles because his own car is not enough. In this way, the high-speed traffic jam made me want to die...

The manager took out his mobile phone and tried to call Qin Fan. As expected, the call was just dialed. The young man in ordinary clothes at the entrance of the subway station with the words 'I have no money' and 'I am poor' all over his body picked up the phone. phone.

When everyone in the sniper studio saw this, their faces turned black all of a sudden. What the hell, they really are poor.

(End of this chapter)

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