Chapter 846
There were 12 people in the sniper studio, carrying suitcases or carrying backpacks, and among them were four youths in rather killer costumes, walking towards Qin Fan in a mighty and imposing manner.

Qin Fan couldn't help raising his brows when he saw these 'strange-shaped' guys, and secretly thought that they were indeed a bunch of thorns.

"I'm not late." The leader, a young man who was dressed barely, said.

"Are you the manager of the studio?" Qin Fan heard the voice and asked.

"Yeah." The manager nodded proudly, waiting for Qin Fan to find fault with them. He even thought about all kinds of scolding and fighting on the road.

However, Qin Fan didn't say much. After confirming his identity, he took the lead and turned around to leave.

Everyone couldn't help being confused, this... is this the end?Doesn't it have a confirmation number?
The manager hurriedly said loudly: "Don't you confirm our number?"

Qin Fan said without turning his head: "As I said before, those who are late will go back as soon as they come. Except for the twelve of you, let them go back by train."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately their faces became ugly.

The yellow-haired 'Big Killer' dropped his backpack, brushed a few strands of long hair in front of his face, and said unhappily: "Mom, a poor power leveling, why are you being so arrogant to us!"

"I've never seen anyone coming to pick up someone by subway. It's so unlucky." With a dark face, the 'Old Cousin' spat fiercely at Qin Fan's back and cursed.

"Forget it, put up with him for two days and see the accommodation he arranged for us. If the living conditions are not good, it's not too late for us to turn our faces." The manager said.

After hearing the words, everyone calmed down, suppressed their anger, carried their luggage, and followed Qin Fan into the subway station.

They had a lot of luggage, and Qin Fan waited for them at the security checkpoint for more than 20 minutes before the twelve of them completed the security check.

"Big cities are troublesome, and you have to go through security checks on the subway." Huang Mao's 'Big Killer' said angrily.

"It's really annoying. How can there be so many troubles in a car." Another Shamat also said.

As soon as the voice fell, two uniformed policemen came over and said to the four killers: "Routine inspection, show your ID cards."

The four are speechless, do we look like bad guys?

The road was bumpy, and I finally got on the subway. However, the subway in Shanghai on Saturday can be described as full, especially for several popular lines. After getting on the subway, I can barely find a place to stand.

Each of the twelve of them is carrying luggage, and it’s okay to go one by one. They can’t squeeze in at all. Qin Fan can only wait slowly with them, squeeze in when he can squeeze in, and wait if he can’t squeeze in. next trip.

Just like this, we went around all the way, changed to four subway lines, and after more than three hours of hard work, we finally arrived at the terminal station. The twelve people were about to fall down from exhaustion, but Qin Fan was still in good spirits.

At this time, the effect of usual exercise will come out, and good health means that you can withstand tossing.

Several people were full of complaints all the way, pointing and cursing Huai in all kinds of murmurs, secretly accusing Qin Fan, but the manager's sister thought that Qin Fan was not bad, and said a few good words for Qin Fan in front of everyone.

She felt that it was not relative, and although Qin Fan didn't say much to them along the way, not even polite words, he took good care of safety and other issues in all aspects along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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