Chapter 849 Business Storm
"It's all right, you." The 'Big Killer' squinted at their manager and said as if he was insane.

It took a long time for the manager to calm down from the excited state, but he still seemed very excited, and said quickly: "Don't you know about Yongmeng Villa? The famous villas in Shanghai have very strict security, and the privacy of the owners is very strict. It is well protected, and it is said that many film and television stars live here."

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped when they heard the words, and their understanding of Qin Fan was raised to another level.

"This villa can't be his." 'Big Killer' said in shock.

The manager shook his head and said, "Probably not. The price of villas here is extremely high. A villa starts at 7000 million yuan. Even those movie stars are only renting temporarily, let alone the owner of a power leveling studio. Maybe you can afford such an expensive villa."

"That's true." 'Big Killer' nodded thoughtfully, but even if it was rented, it was enough to keep him happy for a long time.

A group of people danced and danced excitedly, talking about the wonderful life after arriving at the villa for a while, and they didn't remember how much they looked down on Qin Fan when they first came out of the subway station and saw this place where no shit .

But now, one by one, they started to flatter Qin Fan.

The security guard driving in the front row couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the words. He has been in and out of the business district all year round, escorting the bigwigs in the business world. How could he not have heard of the most vicious Li Changxiao in the business world recently colluding with King to slaughter fat sheep? things...

In one go, more than 40 well-known bigwigs in the Huaxia business circle were caught, and five billion yuan was slaughtered in two weeks, and they were slaughtered through legal means. Crazy, they can't play with Qin Fan if they want to be public, and they can't find the whereabouts of Li Changxiao and Qin Fan if they want to be selfish. Those big bosses who usually cut other people's leeks everywhere are in disaster today. Instead, he was cut off as a leek by others, and suffered a dumb loss for nothing.

That's why these security personnel admire Qin Fan so much. They have never seen such a person before. They were framed and hibernated for a year. Once they attacked, the group of enemies were wiped out. Between the palms, it's really scary.

They were also very puzzled, King has such powerful skills, why doesn't he hang out in the business district, and play some kind of e-sports...

Then again, that is to say, Qin Fan and Li Changxiao now have other people's [-] billion funds in their pockets, and in a month at most, these funds will be transferred from other countries and returned to their pockets. Here, it really becomes their money.

Such a big man, these people actually said that he couldn't afford a 7000 million villa?It's a joke.

All the way without talking, after more than ten minutes of driving, I finally arrived at the legendary Yongmeng Mountain Villa.

There are two police posts and three protective fences at the entrance of the gate of the villa. The two guards are armed with explosion-proof shields and long sticks.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." The manager's sister looked at the environment in the villa through the car window with a look of amazement on her face.

"When my brother gets rich in the future, I will buy you a villa here." The manager blushed excitedly and said.

The guards at the gate stopped four vehicles and asked everyone to get out and register.

For safety management, everyone had to register their identities and phone numbers one by one, and Qin Fan was naturally among them.

"Boss, did you rent this villa? How much is it for a month." 'Big Killer' squeezed behind Qin Fan, and said to Qin Fan flatteringly.

(End of this chapter)

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