Chapter 850 You got it wrong
"I don't know, I didn't rent it." Qin Fan said without turning his head.

Everyone couldn't help but feel weird when they heard the words, and immediately saw Li Changxiao coming forward with the key card, chatting and laughing with the guard at the door, everyone immediately understood that the man in formal attire was the boss and brought us here This dude is just running errands...

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help leaving Qin Fan with a look of disgust, crowded around Li Changxiao, flattered Li Changxiao, and directly pushed Qin Fan to the back of the line, and behind Qin Fan, there was a small The girl is the younger sister of the manager of the sniper studio, Zhao Min.

"I'm sorry, that's what they are." Zhao Min couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw this group of guys who had fallen for the wind, and apologized to Qin Fan.

Qin Fan chuckled and said, "It's okay, when they enter the formal training, they won't have time to worry about these things."

Zhao Min's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. Hearing this, they still need to receive training later on, and the intensity of this training seems to be quite high...

But she didn't take it too seriously, they only wanted to take advantage of Qin Fan's money to come to Shanghai to play around, and they didn't really plan to hang out with Qin Fan.

"I heard from my brother that you created that large-scale group tactic?" Zhao Min looked into Qin Fan's eyes and said solemnly.

"Large group tactics?" Qin Fan suddenly realized after thinking for a while, this should be his "two-camp group battle formation", and nodded immediately.

Zhao Min raised her brows. The tactics of the sniper studio have always been arranged by her. There are many tactics that have been improved by her hands. However, there is only one tactic that she can't change. Group Tactics'.

With her eyesight, she couldn't see the weakness of this tactic at all. However, when this tactic with no weaknesses encountered Qin Fan, it became full of weaknesses everywhere, which made Zhao Min's heart hurt. Big hit.

The group of people in the sniper studio went through registration one by one, and chattered around Li Changxiao again.

For example: "How much did you pay for your car?"

"How big is your studio?"

"Are we going to live here all the time?"

"Where are we going to play later?"


Waiting for a series of questions, but no one asked how to arrange their work next, because they didn't plan to stay here at all.

Seeing that it was Qin Fan's turn to register, they began to talk eccentrically again: "Hey, if we knew you had a car, we wouldn't follow him to squeeze the subway, we're exhausted."

"The subway is so crowded, and he insists on taking us to wait one after another. I really can't stand him."

"That's right, even if he doesn't know how to drive, he can just take a taxi. If you are so rich, why don't you reimburse him? What a cheapskate."

Li Changxiao didn't know what Qin Fan felt like, anyway, he felt uncomfortable when he heard it. If it weren't for the lack of people in Daqin Esports, he would want to teach these people a good lesson for Qin Fan.

Everyone was unaware of Li Changxiao's emotional changes, and they were still complaining about Qin Fan. Suddenly, they heard the guard who registered Qin Fan say: "You are the owner, you don't need to register, you Just take the key card and swipe it."

The air suddenly became quiet, and a group of people in the sniper studio looked at Qin Fan with puzzled expressions, and then at the guards, their hearts flustered, the owner?What owner?This dude has a house here?No way, if there is a house, does he know the price of the house here?

Qin Fan also looked baffled, he didn't remember what real estate he had in Shanghai, so he looked at the guard with a baffled expression and said, "You guys made a mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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