Chapter 851 The Real Rich Man
The guard swiped Qin Fan's ID card twice and said, "That's right, you are the owner, and Villa No. [-] in District No. [-] shows that it belongs to you...wait."

The guard glanced at the information displayed on the computer again, looked at Qin Fan with a strange expression, and said, "Your property fee...hasn't been paid for a year and a don't forget that you have a house here, right? ..."

Everyone looked at Qin Fan in bewilderment, and even Li Changxiao was speechless. Villa No. [-] in District No. [-] is the villa with the best scenery and the largest area in Yongmeng Villa. Its market value has already reached [-] million Eight, when he first came to Yongmeng Villa, he was still thinking, such a good villa is unoccupied?How capricious the owner is, he is willing to abandon such a good villa like this...

In the end, I didn't expect this wayward owner to be far away from the horizon...

The people in the sniper studio felt that their souls had received 99 points of real damage, and they seemed to be floating in the sky. human cognition...

Over and over again, they made them feel their own poverty...

This is the villa of Yongmeng Mountain Villa. If they can have one, they will definitely cherish this villa like their own son every day. However, this guy who looks so stupid actually abandoned him for a year and a half, and even forgot that he was there. There are also villas here...

"Are all the rich people so low-key now..." Everyone was in a mess, staring at Qin Fan in disbelief, feeling that their lives had suddenly become empty...

Qin Fan was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally remembered, oh, during Chinese New Year the year before last, his third uncle Qin Boshan gave him a villa as a congratulatory gift. Seriously.

'Oh, no. Thinking of this, Qin Fan remembered again, it seems that Qin Boshan was not the only one who gave him a villa as a gift. He must have at least a dozen villas under his name, and Qin Boshan alone gave him more than one villa. Two buildings.

However, he doesn't even remember which city these villas are in now, he just vaguely remembers that there is one in the Imperial City and one in the Demon City, and he doesn't know much about the others.

"Hey, if I knew you had a house here, why should I rent it? I can just use your house, and you don't live in it anyway." Li Changxiao sighed, remembering the money he had spent for nothing. A burst of distress.

Qin Fan shrugged and said: "There are too many villas, and I don't remember where I have a house. Isn't it just a nest? How can I remember it so clearly..."

Everyone: "..."

Li Changxiao was speechless for a moment, is this showing off his wealth to us... There are too many villas... The size is just a nest... The key point is that you are a Phoenix nest, we are a chicken nest, can it be the same...

Even the two guards standing guard were speechless. They are people who stand guard in this kind of place. .

I sighed secretly in my heart, I am also a human being, how could there be such a big gap, as expected, reincarnation is a technical job.

After the registration was over, the group of people in the sniper studio forgot how they got into the car and went to the villa. They felt like they were floating along the way. Today they saw the real world of rich people...

When they were still thinking of the villas here as fantasy, they didn't know how many houses they were sitting on, and they didn't even take these villas seriously...

'Hey, I've blinded my dog's eyes. I won't dare to underestimate these dicks anymore. Maybe they are billionaires. ’ The ten or so employees of the sniper studio murmured in their hearts. At this point, they can no longer look at Qin Fan with the eyes of normal people. This person is not worthy of being a dick at all...

(End of this chapter)

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