Chapter 852 Direct Arrangement
The villa covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters and has a huge space. There is a swimming pool and a series of fitness equipment in the backyard. The front yard is decorated with exquisite flowers and plants and a parking garage. The decoration of the villa is relatively monotonous, only blue, white and black The three colors are the styles Li Changxiao specially selected according to Qin Fan's intention.

Qin Fan worried that the extravagant decoration would make the members of the Greedy Wolf team have too many miscellaneous thoughts, so he specially asked Li Changxiao to choose this relatively simple and low-key decoration style, which is more militarized and more suitable for training temporary place.

It allows the players to focus more on their own strengths rather than external substances.

The villa and the basement have a total of five floors. The spacious basement was originally some entertainment facilities such as KTV and billiard room. After Li Changxiao came here, he directly renovated it into a training room. They are used temporarily.

Moreover, the sound insulation effect in the basement is excellent, and mobile phone signals cannot be received, which is very suitable for closed training.

The first floor of the villa is mainly living room, kitchen, dining table and other facilities, full of life atmosphere.The second floor is a dormitory, while the rooms on the third and fourth floors are empty.

There are too many rooms, and we are not satisfied at all.The villa has so many bedrooms that it is comparable to a small homestay villa. The Tanlang team did not even occupy a room on the second floor.

As soon as the twelve people from the sniper studio arrived here, they were attracted by the luxurious fitness equipment in the backyard. Although the villa was grand, but the decoration was not distinctive, it did not attract them.

A group of people were playing around in the gymnasium in the backyard. Qin Fan couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this, and secretly sighed that the stragglers were about the same as when Sun Wood and the others first arrived in Xingchen, far worse than he expected.

He originally thought that, after all, it was a very powerful sniper studio in the industry, and management and other aspects should have been formed, but the result surprised him. He really overestimated the sniper studio, which is a derivative industry of anchors. How powerful a studio may develop.

"Take a rest tonight, and start formal training tomorrow." Qin Fan said to the people in the sniper studio.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. They didn't plan to do any training at all. Up to now, they still planned to spend Qin Fan's money to travel to Shanghai.

Although Qin Fan is rich and has many villas, I can't remember clearly, but that has nothing to do with them. In the e-sports circle, it's just a power leveling studio. What kind of future can it have? It's not as good as them It's a pleasure to work alone.

After earning money, everyone shares it, and no one restricts their personal freedom, how comfortable they are.

As a result, they didn't expect that on the first day they arrived, they would be directly assigned to the training schedule, which made them a little unacceptable. They had just arrived in Shanghai and hadn't started playing yet.

Seeing that they didn't speak for a long time, Qin Fan roughly guessed what these people were thinking, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes, and secretly thought that these people really took him for a fool, my money is so easy to cheat?

"Since everyone is silent, I'll take it as your tacit acceptance." Qin Fan said, and left directly, leaving the twelve people in the sniper studio with a confused look on their faces.

"What's the situation? We have arranged for us before we have expressed our opinion? It's too domineering." 'Big Killer' said to everyone with an expression of dissatisfaction.

The manager rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you take advantage of billions, you can be so domineering."

The face of 'Big Killer' turned black all of a sudden: "If I had tens of billions and I would still play with you, I would have already made waves all over the world."

(End of this chapter)

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