PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 853 Don't be free, or die

Chapter 853 Don't be free, or die

The seven members of the Greedy Wolf team are still doing daily tactical training in the basement, and there are no games to play now, but the physical fitness, marksmanship, tactics, and coordination training that Qin Fan arranges for them every day is getting heavier and heavier.

They live in a big villa every day, and there are big chefs to cook for them, and special nannies to clean the villa, and they don't need to worry about other things except cleaning their own rooms every day.

It seems that life seems to be very comfortable, but they have to get up at five o'clock every day, wash for 10 minutes, and then start a high-intensity training state that lasts [-] hours a day, with only one day of rest a week.

Searching the entire Huaxia, there is no team that can live a worse life than them. If there is a comparison, probably only the power leveling team of the Daqin Power Leveling Studio in the entire Huaxia can compete with them...

With Qin Fan's account ranking up and the popularity of Zhang Xue's live broadcast room rising, even though Qin Fan's selection criteria are abnormal, the studio still recruited a lot of talents with e-sports talent.

But at the same time, their daily orders are constantly increasing, and now they have gradually begun to transition to high-difficulty and high-priced orders.

Therefore, the daily life of the employees in the studio is not at all easier than that of the Tanlang team. They also have food and accommodation, and they don’t have to worry about anything. I didn't go to sleep until after ten o'clock in the evening.

To make matters worse, they have no days off...

But they have income, and every time they make an order, they earn an extra amount. With the current amount of orders, it is easy for them to earn more than [-] a month, and it can be regarded as pain and happiness.

Of course, as shareholders, Guo Can, Zhang Xue, He Xiaoqing, and Li Bushi, their monthly income is of course higher.

The 12 people in the sniper studio were directly arranged by Qin Fan for tomorrow's training schedule. Naturally, they were unwilling to accept it. First, they didn't have enough fun, and second, they didn't want to be supervised. They started discussing about leaving tomorrow. , thinking about spending one night in the villa, eating two meals, taking a good rest, recharging enough energy, and then going out tomorrow to have fun.

The dinner was very rich, with fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, everything, and the long table was full. The employees of the sniper studio who were watching at that time were drooling and didn't want to leave.

But thinking of the not free or death vows I made before, and calming my restless little heart, I secretly thought that I can’t be so worthless, thinking that preparing us with such delicious food can seduce us?Hmph, that's impossible, delicious food is precious, and the price of freedom is even higher.

Qin Fan and Li Changxiao haven't come yet, and they are too embarrassed to go to the table for dinner, so they can only watch TV in the living room, play game consoles, and pass the time, waiting for Qin Fan to come over.

By the way, tell him directly what they are leaving, and express your noble position and a noble soul that yearns for freedom and doesn't care about money.

Maybe this rich second generation will also admire them when they see their noble appearance. Everyone thought this way, but they began to expect Qin Fan to come over quickly. Fortunately, Qin Fan can show his nobility that regards money as dung soul.

Finally, Qin Fan and Li Changxiao came up from the basement chatting and laughing. There seemed to be quite a few people listening to the footsteps, at least five or six people.

(End of this chapter)

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