Chapter 858 Family Meeting
"But no matter how boring they are, on the territory of Huaxia, how can foreigners be arrogant. When friends come, we have good wine, and when wolves come, we have shotguns." Qin Fan's voice changed suddenly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The enemy is coming, we Is the son of the Qin family worthy of a battle?"

"Born as the Qin family, you should be the leader, Jin Zun's life." The twenty Qin family children saluted and shouted loudly.


Qin Fan gave them three hours to get familiar with the game, and he used the three hours to tailor a two-day training course for 20 of them.

If any domestic professional team sees the training course that Qin Fan has formulated now, they might faint on the spot. The progress in two days is faster than their progress in half a month. Is this for people to practice? Who can learn things so fast, let alone a bunch of novices...

If it was someone else, Qin Fan's training course would be nothing more than a waste of time, but Qin Fan has absolute confidence in the children of the Qin family, and he is very confident in the learning ability of the children of the Qin family.

His understanding of these children is the same as his understanding of himself. Except that they may be worse than himself in terms of brains, but in terms of hardship, learning, thinking, perseverance, and concentration, these children are not much worse than himself.

And when it comes to FPS talent, these kids are slightly better than Qin Fan...

Especially in terms of reaction speed and physical fitness, after many years of training in martial arts, they are even slightly better than Qin Fan, the world's top professional player. If they enter the field of e-sports, each of them will be a proper world champion Good seedling.

It's just a pity that Qin Fan only has one week. Although the training progress is fast, at most, these children can only be trained to the level of the second-class to the first-class in the world. It is unrealistic to rely on them to turn the tide.

In order for the Huaxia family not to lose face, there must be at least four teams in the Huaxia family to support them. Apart from the Qin family, Qin Fan’s first consideration is the Hua family. After all, the Hua family is also the leader of the Huaxia family. Never lose face...

With this in mind, Qin Fan started thinking about a family meeting. He wanted to select a few families and focus on supporting them. He didn't force them to beat those world-class teams, but at least let them have their own strength and be able to do it in the competition. Advance and retreat calmly.

However, after Qin Fan asked Uncle Li to contact the young patriarchs of those families, he found out that they had already started meeting, and it was Hua Junpei, the eldest daughter of the Hua family, who led the meeting...

Upon hearing the news, Qin Fan couldn't help laughing, the flowers are all matched, so the meeting is fine, what's the point of not informing the Qin family.

"Uncle Li, tell the pilot to get ready. I'll pack up and set off. Since I'm not invited, I'll have to come here uninvited." Qin Fan told Uncle Li while asking the makeup artist to pack his outfit.

"Yes." Uncle Li stepped back in response.


The imperial capital, the fifth ring road in the eastern suburbs.

Shande Community is considered a very inconspicuous community in the Imperial Capital. It has never done any commercial publicity, and it has never sold buildings to the outside world.

This community covers an area of ​​40.00 square kilometers, with turbulent rivers and [-]% of the area is green and rockery. At first glance, it looks like a large national park.

But here is indeed a community, and it is still a private territory. Soldiers stand guard, and the atmosphere is awe-inspiring from the outside.

This place is the headquarters of the Hua family.

(End of this chapter)

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