PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 859 The Crazy Zhang Dewei

Chapter 859 The Crazy Zhang Dewei

At this moment, in the living room of Hua Junpei's villa, there are more than seventy people sitting in front of their chests. There are men and women. The youngest is about 21 or 27 years old, while the oldest is only [-] or [-] years old.

But there is another young man whose age can't be told, but with a very strong figure. He should be eleven or twelve years old, but the childishness on his face makes people feel like a child of seventeen or eighteen...

This person... is Zhang Dewei...

He is a child of the Zhang family in Shandong. In terms of the strength and status of the family, any one of these people present here can crush his family at will.

At this moment, more than 70 people gathered together, but the living room could hear the sound of a needle falling quietly, and everyone on the sofa was full of air, their eyes drooping slightly.It seemed to be resting with eyes closed, and it seemed to be waiting for someone. Although the atmosphere was quiet, it was not depressing.

However, sitting in this group of people made Zhang Dewei extremely cramped, the air conditioner was fully turned on, but he was sweating profusely, looking very uncomfortable...

"Let everyone wait for a long time."

Everyone heard the sound, and looked towards the second floor of the villa, only to see a young woman in casual style formal attire, long hair fluttering, and temperament like a high-ranking queen standing on the second floor. In awe.

The woman's temperament immediately caught everyone's eyes, and they all got up and saluted.

"Shengjie is teaching the Hua family's children, and he can't get away for a while, so I will be the deacon for this meeting." Hua Junpei smiled.

"Hehe, those who can do more work, I will organize a meeting today, and Sister Laohua will worry about it."

Everyone was talking politely, when one of them suddenly asked, "Why didn't you see that one from the Qin family, could it be... that one doesn't want to come?"

When the young patriarchs heard the words, their hearts skipped a beat, they looked at their hearts with their noses and eyes, their faces remained unchanged, and they pretended not to hear.

Hua Junpei turned her head to look, and the person who was speaking was a handsome, almost monstrous man. At this time, the corners of his mouth were slightly slanted, and he looked at her with a playful look. This person was the young patriarch of the Guo family, Guo Shaorong's eldest brother, Guo Rui .

Hua Junpei's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "Young Master Qin has his own discretion about the Qin family's affairs, so I don't have to worry about it."

"Young Master Qin is a great talent, and it is more than enough to protect the Qin family. However, the Qin family has always been generous in doing things. I don't believe that Young Master Qin will only care about self-protection, regardless of the life and death of our small family." Guo Rui pressed on step by step, stepping up Hua Jun is not allowed to stay.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Guo Rui with weird expressions, thinking what kind of wind did Guo Rui have today, he dared to compete with Miss Hua, and he didn't want to live anymore?

Zhang Dewei looked at this man who was more handsome than Zhuge Qingyun for a while, and then at the woman who was more imposing than his mother, he was completely confused.

"Young master of the Qin family, young lady of the Hua family, what are you talking about..."

"By the way, what is the background of this Hua family, how can the house be so big..."

'Wait, young master of the Qin family?The eldest brother seems to be surnamed Qin too, bah, bah, bah, he even snatched my chicken legs, how could he have anything to do with a big family like the Hua family...'

Zhang Dewei's mind is a mess, his family and these families here are completely two worlds, just because their Zhang family also contributed to this league, the sports bureau is a mess, and their family made mistakes The collision was also stuffed in, and then the Hua family's big show came to Zhang's house in person, and they knew, my God, there is such a thing in Huaxia.

"Hehe, it turns out that Qin Mingyang didn't think of you. Instead, I thought about your life and death first. I gave it to you. Whether you want it or not is up to you." .

Guo Rui opened his mouth and was speechless to refute. There was no other way. Their Guo family didn't have such great appeal as the Hua family, so they couldn't become strong at all.

(End of this chapter)

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