PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 865 New Version, New Tactics

Chapter 865 New Version, New Tactics
Seeing that each of them had sent 20 people, Qin Fan couldn't help shaking his head secretly. The reason why he gave the three of them [-] places each was mainly because he was worried that the children of his family could not bear the pressure and gave up halfway through the training. People can get it wrong...

It's not easy for Qin Fan to say anything about this, after all, they are also giving him face.

However, on the second day, when the three of them saw the training plan that Qin Fan made for their family students, their faces turned pale at that time. This training plan is so fucking terrible.

"Now you understand why I gave you thirty places." Qin Fan shook his head and smiled.

"What... what should we do now." Guo Rui smiled wryly. He understood now, but it was too late. The progress of this training is too fast, and sending people here will not be able to keep up with Qin Fan's progress. It will only increase the burden. That's all.

Qin Fan thought for a while, and gave each of the three of the children of the Qin family a training schedule, and said, "Take this and copy it, and put a copy on each of your team members' desks. When you want to give up, Just look."

The three of them looked at the training schedule of the children of the Qin family in their hands, and felt that their hearts had been stabbed by Qin Fan, and it was so painful...

He felt that their training progress was fast enough, but it turned out that their training progress was twice as fast as theirs, and he was going to go to the world stage of e-sports in a week...

"Hey, this is probably the gap between people..." The three thought in their hearts.

Even when the three of them saw the training form, they wanted to start training on the spot and speed up the progress. They didn't want to catch up with the training progress of the Qin family's children, but just hoped that they wouldn't be pulled too far.

They can already predict that when the twenty students they brought want to give up in the future, after seeing this training form, they will feel so damned...

I was so angry that I was about to die, who would want to give up...

On Tuesday, everyone's training progress was on the right track. Apart from instructing them in training every day, Qin Fan also took time to familiarize himself with his mouse and keys.

He hasn't used this set of mouse and keys for more than half a year. In order to avoid getting used to it after playing the game, he must start familiarizing himself with it for an hour a day now.

His task is very heavy. In addition to helping the Qin family team reach the championship throne, he also has to take care of other family teams in case they lose too badly.

Because most of the members of Zhang Dewei, Guo Rui, and Liu Yunfan's family already have the foundation of the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it is not easy to reverse their tactical thinking in a short time, so Qin Fan formulated the most conventional tactical training for them.

The standard lineup includes a commander and deputy assaulter, an observer and deputy commander, a sniper, and a main assaulter.

Since the Qin family has no foundation in conventional tactics, Qin Fan directly formulated experimental tactics for the 20 members of the Qin family to adapt to the latest version.

That is, an observer and sniper, a main assault and forward, a deputy assault and commander, and a free man's tactics.

One person has multiple positions, and the value of personnel, functions, and firepower are maximized. This lineup tactic has strong firepower, stronger aggression than before, and stronger ability to adapt to changes.

As long as this lineup can be controlled, it will be enough to support them to walk sideways before the version is updated.

The previous version was not enough to support this lineup to enter the high-end game, but after the version is updated, it will be different.

But at the same time, this lineup has very abnormal requirements on the personal strength, coordination ability, tacit understanding and other aspects of the players, so Qin Fan did not arrange other tactical training for them this week. a tactic.

(End of this chapter)

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