Chapter 866 The end of training
Not only do they practice this tactic when they advance and retreat tactically, but they also use this tactic when they practice guns on the training ground. They practice guns in groups of three, and the vacated position is The free man position reserved for Qin Fan.

At this time, the benefits of blank paper are reflected. When they practiced the tactics in actual combat, they didn't feel uncomfortable at all. They didn't feel any rejection from the beginning to the end. It took only half a day to apply this tactic in actual combat.

In the past two days, the children of the Qin family were all tasked with practicing guns, practicing guns, and still practicing guns. Even when they were training tactics, they were also practicing guns.

Xiaobai's most fatal flaws are three-points. One is that his marksmanship is too poor, and he can never be right with the gun. The other is that his psychological quality is not good and he is easily nervous. The other is that he lacks actual combat and cannot make correct judgments and decisions in actual combat. .

So from the third day, Qin Fan began to teach the children of the Qin family how to flexibly use what they had learned in actual combat, and at the same time taught them how to make a decision that was not so bad for themselves in actual combat.

There are never better decisions in actual combat, only decisions that don't look so bad.

Because there are so many changes in the battle situation, who knows when a sniper rifle will pop up from a house behind you and blow your head off.

But in actual combat, the only reason for fighting is to be fast.

As long as the speed of resolving the battle is fast enough, all variables can be controlled, and if the speed of resolving the battle is fast enough, the tactics must be ruthless enough, and the actual operation must be hard enough. Otherwise, no matter how ruthless the tactics are, if the marksmanship is not good, the Staged a tragedy of the iron-headed baby giving away the head.

Qin Fan's new tactical system has brought the ruthless character to the limit, and then it depends on their psychological quality and marksmanship.

As for other detailed operations such as agility, micromanagement, etc., Qin Fan can only teach them a little bit in actual combat, and they really lack actual combat.

In four days, 72 hours of training time per day add up to only 72 hours in total, and during these [-] hours of actual combat time, they need to master all firearms, body skills, micro manipulation, and a series of personal skills. They have to adapt to using all the tactics they have learned in various classic or non-classic battle situations.

You have to learn how to control the team's risks and benefits in the endgame, how to protect yourself when the team is damaged on a large scale, and eat chicken in the final circle.

Wait, wait, they have too much to learn, and the players from the other three families feel their scalps go numb. These people are simply not human.

In addition, during the seven days, at the end of the training every day, the four families will play a four-person team competition, and they can choose teammates freely.

Then Qin Fan will assign a ranking based on their individual combat performance and team performance in the competition.

Every day, there is a personal ranking and a team ranking. When the summary meeting is held the next morning, this ranking will be posted on the gate of the e-sports hall. They come in and out, and they can't even go to the toilet. That shameful ranking was used by Qin Fan to motivate them to train hard.

Until the competition on Wednesday night, the ranking of the Qin family's children was still at the bottom of the overall ranking, but on Thursday night, the ranking of the Qin family's children suddenly swept the top [-].

And on Friday night, the top ten on the personal ranking list were all the children of the Qin family, and there was a situation where it was hard to distinguish between the records of many people.

On Saturday night, they directly became the top four, and they were still all children of the Qin family. On average, every five people were divided into one place...

If you look carefully, you will find that the first, third, third, and fourth players have the same position in each echelon. The players ranked No.1 are all main assault players, and the players ranked No.2 , all are snipers, the No.3 ranks are all riflemen, the No.4 ranks are all free men...

Because they haven't trained the free agent's style of play at all, this position originally belonged to Qin Fan, so they naturally don't know how to play.

(End of this chapter)

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