Chapter 885 Dispute
Seeing them like this, Xiao Qi suddenly felt a little strange in her heart. No matter from any angle, Zhang Xue was regarded as a middle-class figure. It stands to reason that these people shouldn't react like this...

Xiaoqi was wondering, when she heard her boyfriend say: "Okay, Xiaoqi, you have nothing to do here, you must be tired from the journey, go to the side and rest for a while."

Yun Bing originally wanted to point at his girlfriend and introduce himself to this big guy, but he didn't expect this little girl to be so scary with just one mouthful, and she actually urged them to grab food from this big guy's mouth, it's too scary , He still has lingering fears.

Simply send her aside, and find a way to get to know this boss...

However, Xiaoqi was obviously unhappy when she heard this, she frowned and said, "What do you mean? Hearing what you say, you despise me."

Yun Bing was full of thoughts on how to get to know Qin Fan naturally and unobtrusively, and he had no intention of talking to her at all. When he heard that she had lost his temper with him at such a critical moment, a burst of anger suddenly surged in his heart. He suppressed his anger and squeezed out With a very unnatural smile, she said to Xiaoqi:
"Stop making trouble, your boyfriend has business to do now."

Even though he was suppressing the anger in his heart, when he spoke, his tone was inevitably a little angry. Xiaoqi heard it immediately, glared at him immediately, and shouted angrily: "Are you angry with me? In front of so many friends of yours Are you angry with me?"

The voice was so loud that most of the venue was echoed by her. When a group of people looked towards them, the friends behind Yun Bing quickly apologized to everyone for laughing and comforted everyone.

The anger in Yun Bing's heart was completely uncontrollable, whoever was yelling like this in the crowd did not give anyone face!

After all, he is an old man, how could he not be angry, but he wanted to lose his composure in front of so many people, and he didn't want to let Xiaoqi down in front of so many people, so he could only purse his lips and suppress the anger in his heart not talking.

Xiaoqi is obviously not as mature as she thought. Seeing that her boyfriend is already on the verge of bursting into anger, he is already bearing her and giving her a step down, but she hasn't realized her problem yet. Looking at Yun Bing, he yelled: "Okay, get angry with me, don't you regret it, break up."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoqi turned around and left gracefully. In the past, Yun Bing would pull her back to comfort her when she was angry, and then admit her mistake, but today she was really angry at the wrong time.

She turned and left, but instead of paying attention to her, Yun Bing bowed to Qin Fan and apologized, "I'm kidding you because of my child's temper."

Qin Fan shook his head with a smile and didn't say anything. He wouldn't have any opinion on Yun Bing just because of this.

Seeing that Qin Fan was not angry, Yun Bing's anger at being annoyed by Xiao Qi could not help but half dissipated, with a bright smile on his face.

However... Xiaoqi is not happy anymore.

She had walked out for more than ten meters, and no one stopped her. At first, she was hesitant to let it go, and she didn't want to break up with Yun Bing, but when she turned around, she found that Yun Bing had chatted with Qin Fan ...

My God, this is not bad! ?Ignore me for a soft bone who eats soft food! ?What an international joke.

Immediately, he rushed back angrily, grabbed Yun Bing's arm, and roared: "In your heart, I am not as good as a soft bone that eats soft food?"

(End of this chapter)

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