Chapter 886
Xiaoqi held Yun Bing's arm with one hand, and pointed her index finger frantically in front of Qin Fan with the other hand. The distance was so close that she almost poked Qin Fan's face.

Every time she pointed at it, the smile on Qin Fan's face decreased by one point, and at the same time, his patience with her also decreased by one point. In the end, Qin Fan's face was completely expressionless, and he leaned on the sofa and watched coldly. Xiaoqi's back.

A child's fuss is nostalgia, bear to bear, he may not be as knowledgeable as her, but there is a bottom line to his patience, he can't stick out his face to her and hit her just because of a childish remark.

And Xiaoqi's current behavior has already touched his bottom line, and she is still bouncing around under his bottom line.

Yun Bing noticed the change in Qin Fan's expression all of a sudden, his heart skipped a beat, his face changed all of a sudden, he quickly pulled the furious Xiao Qi aside, bowed to Qin Fan repeatedly and apologized: "Brother, she She's still young, ignorant, and doesn't know the importance of doing things. Your lord has a lot, so let her go. If you are really angry, I... I am willing to be punished for her."

"You were punished for her? If I wanted to punish her, even your father might not be able to handle it." Qin Fan said expressionlessly.

Seeing Qin Fan's eyes, Yun Bing dodged again and again, not daring to look at him, those eyes were too aggressive...

Qin Fan's mere words directly shook his heart. It's not worth spending all of his father's wealth for a woman...

Yun Bing could probably guess in his heart how much energy Qin Fan had behind him, but Xiao Qi didn't know, seeing that Qin Fan, an incompetent soft-boned, even said such arrogant words to her boyfriend, she immediately became angry, yes Looking at Qin Fan, he yelled: "Don't be so shameless, you really think you are some kind of object!?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Yun Bing became anxious, but even the group of friends behind Yun Bing became anxious. A group of people suddenly yelled at Xiao Qi: "Shut up! Do you want to kill us?"

Seven or eight people roared loudly at the same time, the sound was so loud that Xiaoqi's brain was buzzing for a while, and the whole person was stunned by fright, and she was so frightened by the sudden scene that she almost cried, complaining aggrievedly: : "What are you doing, why are you yelling at me? I'm speaking for you."

"Get out, we don't need your help." Everyone shouted loudly.

Xiaoqi looked at them in disbelief, was speechless for a while, covered her face and ran out crying.

Although Yun Bing couldn't bear it in his heart, he didn't dare to catch up. He said to Qin Fan nah, "Brother, I'm really sorry for disturbing your peace..."

"Be careful in the future." Qin Fan didn't say anything to them, not even a superfluous greeting, and turned to Zhang Xue, "Is there anything else you want to do at the venue today?"

Zhang Xuedao: "The boss said to introduce me to a few friends, and said that I can find them in the future if I need help in any aspect, oh yes, and the boss of Huya also asked me to introduce some friends to me. I’m just a friend, and I also said that I can find them in places where I need help in the future.”

Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they heard the words. They didn't expect this female commentator to have such a wide network of contacts in the business circle. Even the bosses of Douyu and Huya were vying for a good relationship with her. This woman is not simple.

Qin Fan couldn't help but shake his head secretly when he heard the words, what value could Zhang Xue have to these people in the business circle, when they pouted their buttocks, Qin Fan knew what they wanted to fart.

(End of this chapter)

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