Chapter 891
"The Qin family's car! Doesn't that mean that this one belongs to the Qin... Qin family..." When it came to the Qin family, the rich sons couldn't speak clearly.

Yun Bing was shocked, but more panicked. If this person was from the Qin family, then among the younger generation of the Qin family, there were only a few who could receive such courteous treatment from Second Master Huo.

The target suddenly narrowed, and the panic in Yun Bing's heart became more and more serious, because any of the few great talents of the Qin family can call the wind and rain in the whole of China, and even half of the earth. Well, these so-called young masters in Kyoto are simply not worth mentioning.

No matter which one of them Qin Fan is, it doesn't matter anymore, because for them, being so tall, the whole person is already numb. Anyway, for them, these people are beyond their reach exist.

Xiaoqi looked at these rich boys and buddies looking at the car one by one with fanaticism, shock, or fear, feeling at a loss for a while, isn't it just a word Qin?As for such a big reaction...

She is not a member of the circle, so naturally she does not know what is going on in this circle.

Just when Xiaoqi was wondering, Yun Bing patted Xiaoqi on the shoulder and said: "This elder brother is worth more than my parents and my grandfather's generation. After meeting him, Be polite."

Xiao Qi was shocked and stared at Qin Fan's face for a while, unable to see why.

"Who is he?" Xiaoqi asked.

"He..." Yun Bing wanted to tell Xiaoqi at first, but thinking of Xiaoqi's character, his mouth was not strict, and after much deliberation it was better not to reveal it to her, so he could only reply: "You just need to know, his Status, in the whole world, regardless of any industry, they belong to the top part of the pyramid, as for his status, you must not ask any more questions in the future, with your personality, knowing these things is not good for you. "

Xiaoqi was so shocked that she couldn't speak, her brows were tightly frowned, and she looked at the figure of Qin Fan leaving in the car stupidly, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of it, the top group of people in any industry in the world How powerful it is.

With her poor cognition, she can only imagine that this person is very powerful, many times more powerful than her boyfriend.

Because the most powerful person she has ever come into contact with is her boyfriend.

Only this, no one else.

When Qin Fan entered the gate of the venue, she dismissed Qin Fan, and when Qin Fan left the gate of the venue, she couldn't match Qin Fan.

"Sister Xue, your eyes... are so enviable." Xiaoqi murmured with a wry smile.

At this moment, when she thought of what she had said to Zhang Xue and Qin Fan, she felt flushed and ashamed, wishing to grab Zhuer's head.

"Well... you guys play first, it's not easy to travel at night, I'll escort this one." Wang Sicong said haha ​​to a group of rich men, and hurriedly got into the car and left, even his own The new lover didn't have time to bring...

The faces of all the rich second generations turned dark all of a sudden: "Made, this bastard is really fit for purpose, and he doesn't look like his father at all."

Both the Imperial Capital of China and the Demon Capital can be said to be extremely top modern cities in the current era.

Under the brightly lit night scene, I don't know how many "walking corpses" are wandering, and on the starry night sky, I don't know how many lonely souls are wandering.

Tonight, for many people, may be another sleepless night.

(End of this chapter)

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