Chapter 892

Especially all kinds of men and women in this venue, they must be one of these insomniacs, one shock after another, constantly reminding them of their humble status, how they can sleep.

A black car with a dark body is speeding on the spacious road of the imperial capital. Inside the car, Zhang Dewei is driving the car seriously. Although the intelligent system of this car is very mature, after all, this function has not yet been popularized, and many related policies have not yet passed.

In places where there are few cars, you can be lazy and let them drive independently, but when there are many cars, it is better to drive by yourself, otherwise it will be another troublesome thing to be caught by the traffic police.

Zhang Xue looked at Qin Fan on the side with a complicated expression, and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to ask something, but she couldn't ask.

Qin Fan smiled and said: "If you really can't ask, then don't ask, I will tell you one by one in the future."

"Okay." Zhang Xue's face was filled with a bright smile: "Where are we going?"

"Chaoyang, Songyuli Community, there is a great noodle restaurant there." Qin Fan said.

"He seems to be still following us?" Zhang Xue said, looking back at Wang Sicong's car.

Qin Fan said without turning his head: "Let him follow, just need someone to pay the bill."

Zhang Xue covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You are really stingy, and you still have to pay for a few bowls of noodles."

Qin Fan said bluntly: "I brought him to eat such delicious noodles, shouldn't he buy a bill to repay me?"

"Yes, yes, Qin Mao is still Qin Mao after all." Zhang Xue rolled her eyes and said.

The vehicle drove for an hour and a half, and Wang Sicong's car ran out of gas halfway through...

There was no gas station nearby, and Qin Fan's car was not burning gasoline, so he couldn't help him, so he had to call the nearest gas station to send someone to deliver a barrel of gasoline to him.

"It's a bit of a loss to exchange a barrel of oil for a few bowls of noodles..." Qin Fan thought to himself.


In Songyuli Community, in a secluded alley, there are many small shops, one of which has the four characters of "beef pan noodles" hanging high.

It was already past eleven o'clock at night, and although the business of barbecue stalls was still booming, it was already closing time for staple food restaurants like 'Beef Pan Noodles'.

When Qin Fan and his party entered the store, the proprietress and the owner were already clearing the tables.

"Are there any more boards?" Qin Fan asked as he opened the door.

"No, we're already closed." The boss said without looking up.

"It's really gone?" Qin Fan asked while looking at the decorations in the store that hadn't changed for several years.

"It's really gone." The boss said.

"Really gone?" Qin Fan asked again.

"I said you are annoying, you are here to find trouble..." The boss Dang even slapped the rag on the table, and glared at Qin Fan angrily.

Qin Fan turned his head to look at the boss, still smiling and asked, "Is it really gone?"

The boss rubbed his eyes and stared fixedly at Qin Fan for a long while. He was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and was speechless for a while in surprise.

After a long time, he excitedly stepped forward and patted Qin Fan's shoulder, and shouted excitedly: "Xiao Fan is here, come, come, sit, sit, can I live without you? As long as you eat, Even at two or three o'clock in the morning, there are plenty of noodles."

The proprietress also said excitedly: "Oh, when did Xiaofan come? Did he come to the Imperial Capital to play games? Xiaowen is always talking about when you will come to the Imperial Capital to play with him again."

(End of this chapter)

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