Chapter 897 Recognizing a Sister
This quota was given to Zhang Xue by Qin Fan. Although the Qin family had many quotas, it was for Zhang Xue after all. In order to avoid suspicion, it was inconvenient for Qin Fan to use it, so he could only borrow the quota from Zhang Dewei's family.

Since Zhang Xue has always wanted to study further, she needs an excellent school. Every famous university in the country has the shadow of the Qin family, so it is naturally inconvenient to study in China.

Harvard in country M, or Cambridge in country Y, are naturally the top choices.

In addition, Zhang Xue had to be given a family identity.

"Fourth, what's your ranking in the family?" Qin Fan thought of Zhang Dewei again, after all, his surname is Zhang.

"I'm an only child, what's the matter, you suddenly asked this?" Zhang Dewei said.

"What do you think about making Zhang Xue your sister?" Qin Fan said.

"Cough..." Hearing these words, Zhang Dewei was almost not choked by himself, but he probably understood what Qin Fan meant.

"This matter is too big." Zhang Dewei said.

If it's just that he recognizes a sister outside, it's fine, but if he wants to enter the house, it's not a small matter.

"Don't worry about this matter. Don't tell your family members yet. When Zhang Xue comes back from her studies, I will find her a decent position as the president of the company. When the time is right, it will not be too late to recognize her ancestors and return to her family." Qin Fan said.

An internet anchor wants to recognize his ancestors and get his family status. This is undoubtedly a dream, and he doesn't bother to use his status to oppress others to do this.

What's more, the relationship between Zhang Dewei and him is here. If he really did that, where will Zhang Dewei be?

Everything has to be done slowly, there is no rush.

"I owe you a favor. If you need help from my elder brother, just ask, and I will do my best." Qin Fan said.

"Okay." Zhang Dewei didn't make too many excuses, because he wanted to make people feel at ease and benefit himself, so why not do it.

You know, this is the favor of the young master of the Qin family. In the land of China, having the favor of the young master of the Qin family is equivalent to rising from the ground, or a gold medal for avoiding death.

With this favor, plus Zhang Xue's acknowledgment of her ancestors and becoming Mrs. Qin in the future, this will be beneficial to the Zhang family, but it will not cause any harm. To be honest, Zhang Dewei owes Qin Fan a favor ...

However, Qin Fan also intended to promote Zhang Dewei, so he would not think too much about this issue. If you help, you are helping, and if you owe favors, you owe favors. There is nothing to say about this.

The two chatted about Zhuge Qingyun and Wang Youcai's interesting stories all the way, and before they knew it, they had already returned home, and it was already two o'clock in the morning.

The two of them seized the time, washed up and rested quickly, and after only five hours of sleep, they had to get up again for the morning training and warm-up activities.

At this time, the entire villa group was full of people who came out for morning exercises.

Basically, the children of every family have the rules and habits of morning exercises, but the morning exercises of the children of the Qin family, Zhang family, Liu family, and Guo family are completely different from other people's morning exercises.

They run in the morning, then stretch and stretch their bodies, just move around a bit.

In addition to running in the morning, these four companies also need to focus on training the reaction speed and the endurance and explosive power of the forearm and wrist. In addition, they also have the ability of the eyes to capture dynamic objects.

Seeing the complicated and systematic training content, the children of other families were dumbfounded, and at the same time, they were convinced by the super strength of these people. No matter how much sweat they sweat, they have a bit of ability. This strength really does not come for nothing.

After the training was completed, it was already nine o'clock.After a hasty breakfast, everyone packed up and prepared to go to the arena to watch the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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