Chapter 898 Foreign Players
Today is the battle for the top 64. The Bird's Nest is crowded with people, and there are no empty seats. It is a bit like the grand occasion of the 08 Olympic Games.It is said to be the top 64, but it is actually the top 32, because 32 school teams have been directly exempted from the competition and entered the semi-finals.

For such a situation, the players on the field are naturally unconvinced. Why do they have to go through so much effort to pass five stages and kill six generals to barely participate in the top 64 competition, but these people can directly advance and become 64. powerful?
This matter has become very popular on the Internet, and many netizens directly began to humanize these 32 teams, but let alone the teams, they couldn't even find the positions of these 32 schools.

There are quite a few people on the Internet, in order to follow the trend and attract attention, and deliberately put the names of some schools as the names of these 32 teams, saying that they are real hammers, but in the end, the netizens picked up the truth, sarcasm, and scolded these people for wanting to be popular Think crazy.

From the moment the children of the 32 families entered the auditorium of the Bird's Nest, they had already felt the high anger from the crowd, and each of them was sitting on pins and needles, and couldn't help beating the drums in their hearts.

And the most calm ones are the children of the Qin family, Zhang family, Liu family, and Guo family, these four families.

Because they have absolute confidence in their own strength, they believe that even if they participate in the competition, they will definitely have a place in the top 32 places, so they don't panic at all.

"We really made a wise choice." Young Master Guo triumphantly said to another young master of the family beside him, that person's face turned black immediately, and Liu Yunfan couldn't stop laughing when he saw this.

Qin Fan ignored their noise, saw that it was time for the players to play, and quickly reminded everyone: "Quiet, the purpose of watching the game today is to let you observe the difference between the field game and the ordinary game."

After hearing the words, everyone quickly fell silent, staring at the players below without stopping.

Suddenly, people in the audience exclaimed: "Why are there so many foreigners?"

"What's going on? Isn't it the National College League? Why are there foreign schools?"

Looking around, among the more than 90 teams, one-sixth of the teams were all white faces, and the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Qin Fan and the rest of the family's children accepted it calmly. They had already received the news and knew that these people would come, so they were not surprised.

But what makes Qin Fan interesting is that he also saw a lot of acquaintances from inside.

There are more than a dozen of these white teams, and Qin Fan has seen one-third of their faces.

Especially the rebellious-looking Chinese youth with African pigtails in the crowd, standing with the players of these white teams, looked very eye-catching. This person was Hang Ye.

However, his demeanor of being the boss and my second child is really liked by many young girls, especially when the "semi-finished rap culture" is prevalent now, this rebellious young man is quite popular with those little girls.

Besides Hang Ye, Qin Fan also saw God Z from these white people!
God Z has already gained fame and fortune in the FPS circle. He has already announced to the public that he has washed his hands and will no longer participate in the competition. However, under the pressure of those in power and the temptation of money, he has to participate if he does not participate. .

With God Z's appeal, most of the contestants who went to God Z's villa that day were for the sake of face. Among these white people, one-third of them had participated in God Z's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds underground shooting Wang Sai.

(End of this chapter)

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