Chapter 904 Identity Exposed
As for the group of veterans opposite Shangcai, all of them were as black as charcoal, staring at Park Changqing beside Qin Fan with gloomy expressions, even thinking of killing this kid on the spot.

What the hell is going on? It was inconvenient to reveal their identities. Originally, they thought about a five-day competition. Already retired.

No matter how angry the people of Huaxia are, they are too far away to threaten them.

As a result of Park Changqing's yelling, their identities were exposed before they had time to start the competition, and the transparency of Huaxia Network was far beyond their imagination.

These people unexpectedly revealed the identities of all of them in less than 5 minutes.

It's over now. Before today's lunch time, the whole Huaxia will know about it.

And Huaxia has such a huge number of people, all over the world, they might even go to their home country. If the people of their own country know that a group of veterans who have been famous for a long time are going to Huaxia to participate in a college league, it is still unheard of. Invitation, secretly participated, this makes their old faces where to put them in the future!
If they win, it’s okay, maybe they can get a high hat for returning from an expedition to a foreign country, but now it seems that the championship is obviously hopeless. King is also in this game, and the championship will not be their turn. up...

Thinking of this again, their hearts were completely chilled, and they had the idea of ​​returning to China on the spot.

However, they even collected the deposit, which is not a small sum. Even if they sold themselves, they would not be able to pay it back. Thinking about the deposit, all the veterans accepted their fate.

Hey, forget it, but fortunately this final payment is enough for us to spend our whole life drinking and drinking, so it's shameful to be ashamed.

But if they accept their fate, their anger towards Park Changqing has not diminished in the slightest. They all stare at Park Changqing, as if they are watching their own father-killing enemy.

Park Changqing also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and turned his head to look, only to see pairs of murderous and hostile eyes amidst the paleness. On the spot, Park Changqing was so frightened that his legs became weak and he couldn't pretend anymore.

Looking at a group of e-sports bigwigs with an apologetic smile, he asked, "What's wrong with you guys? Did I say something wrong?"

As he spoke, he walked up to God Z: "God Z, you are my idol. I am a top student at the e-sports academy in country H, and I admire you very much. I really want to develop in country Y in the future. do it."

Looking at his obsequious face, God Z was so angry that he even yelled in Chinese: "Go back to your mother's womb."

"Ah?" Park Changqing didn't realize that he was flattering on the horse's hoof, and looked at God Z with a blank face, wondering why this great god suddenly got angry.

Seeing his innocent appearance, God Z became more and more angry, and directly slapped him with a backhand. A bright red slap mark appeared on Park Changqing's face, and a thick layer of powder was removed from his face. Showing a pockmarked face.

God Z looked at his hands covered in foundation in disbelief, and then looked at Park Changqing in disbelief, and cursed in a dazed expression: "FUCK."

A group of veterans next to him also looked at Park Changqing up and down with disgust and disgust, and cursed in their hearts: "It's really disgusting. Fortunately, I didn't slap him in the face." '

(End of this chapter)

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