Chapter 905 Shadow
The few girls who watched the excitement looked at this boy who was covered in thicker powder than the girls, and turned their faces away in disgust, without saying a word.

Park Changqing was more confused than all of them. He still doesn't know why he was beaten.

With a puzzled look on his face, he looked innocently at this and then at that, just like a dog.

Shangcai's team members who usually followed Park Changqing every day, flattered Park Changqing, and stood up for him, now all looked at this exchange student from country H who was once noble like a prince in front of them with a look of disgust.

They couldn't put together the figure of the dog-like young man in front of them and the figure of the tall guy who used to be. They looked like two different people, one was as proud as the sun in the sky, and the other was as sad as a wild dog by the side of the road.

And what made them unable to see each other with the same eyes as before was Qin Fan, but Qin Fan and Park Changqing were completely opposite.

Qin Fan was around them, usually low-key like a dispensable and transparent person, so that these students once looked down upon him.

The students who were used to watching Qin Fan through the crack of the door suddenly opened the door today, only to realize how tall Qin Fan's figure was.

This man, who was low-key and transparent in front of them, made these real big shots fearful, even... terrified.

They don't understand Qin Fan anymore, they have never understood Qin Fan, they didn't understand it before, they don't understand it now, and they won't understand it in the future.

Qin Fan and them had taken different paths from the very beginning, and it was God's will that they could meet.

Hang Ye even turned his face away with contempt and disgust. The most disgusting thing about him is this kind of person. The disgusting Hang Ye felt a little sick to his stomach, and didn't even want to open his eyes to look at him.

"You don't even know who Qin Fan is, you deserve to be whipped." Hang Ye took out a toothpick from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and turned into that foolish look again, and left with disdain.

When Park Changqing heard Qin Fan's name again, he felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately exploded.

He felt that since he came to Shangcai, he was surrounded by stars, but no matter where he went, there was a man standing on his head, making him breathless.

It would be fine if this person is also a big shot surrounded by stars, but this person is a stinky dick beside him, Qin Fan.

When he joined the e-sports club, he clearly had outstanding records and was proud of the whole school, but the vice president of the e-sports club wanted to curry favor with Qin Fan who couldn't even pass the preliminaries.

He studied in class, and Qin Fan was not there every time he was in class, and absenteeism was almost the main theme of Qin Fan, but every time the teacher assigned homework and some quizzes, Qin Fan got full marks in all of them, and the teacher always praised this Poor students who don't even attend class.

He chased his girlfriend, and the two big girls of Shangcai, all because Qin Fan rejected him. He fell in love with a female commentator, and the female commentator also rejected him because of Qin Fan.

That's all, why even a female reporter who happened to meet rejected him because of Qin Fan! ! !

It seems that since the day he entered Shangcai, someone has been reminding him in his ear that you are not as good as Qin Fan, and you are a scum compared to Qin Fan.

He couldn't figure it out, why he was so radiant, yet he was always living under the shadow of a scumbag, and he was so depressed that he couldn't breathe.

At this time, when he heard Hang Ye mention Qin Fan's name again, he suppressed his anger for a long time, and finally broke out, grabbed Hang Ye's collar, and said with a grim face: "What kind of thing is Qin Fan! He He's just a stinky dick."

Hang Ye's face turned cold all of a sudden, he was still full of anger at God Z, and was worried that no one would beat him up, seeing that this disgusting guy dared to grab his collar, he immediately slapped him with a high whip However, it was kicking on Park Changqing's chin, kicking him up half a meter high.

Then he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Bah, disgusting." Hang Ye spat, spat out the toothpick that was stained with the foundation on Park Changqing's face, and said with disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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