Chapter 906 See You in G Town
Hang Ye left, Park Changqing was in a coma, and the news of these e-sports veterans coming to China to participate in the college league was still fermenting on the Internet.

Qin Fan and God Z still looked at each other with cold expressions.

"P city, do you dare to come?" Z said coldly.

"Hehe, what's the point of City P." Qin Fan shook his head and said.

Just as God Z was about to laugh at Qin Fan for not daring to come, he heard Qin Fan say, "See you in G town, I'll fight with you all by myself, you can bring help as much as possible."

As soon as this remark came out, the bystanders exclaimed in surprise.

"Who is this person? He's such a challenge to God Z."

"I don't know, professional players don't dare to say such things."

"Why don't you dare, you forgot King?"

"Huh~, King has already transformed into a coach, so let's not mention it."


God Z also said with a gloomy expression: "It's extremely arrogant, I really brought a helper, do you dare to come?"

"Hahaha." Qin Fan laughed loudly, "I'm afraid you don't bring enough people for me to kill."

"Okay, see you in town G for the next game." Z said coldly.

"Let's talk about it after you advance to the semi-finals." Qin Fan raised a playful smile: "I forgot to tell you, I don't need to participate in the qualifiers, I will go directly to the semi-finals."

God Z's face became more and more ugly.

Both Qin Fan and God Z have their own schemes. God Z's group of professional players, the only person in China who is afraid of him is Qin Fan. He naturally wants to take this opportunity to provoke Qin Fan, lure him to the most chaotic city of P, surround and kill him Of.

But Qin Fan also has his own considerations. He is a free agent himself, and he also wants to take the opportunity to contain more foreign professional players in the game, so as to reduce the pressure on other family college teams.

Compared with P City, G Town is obviously more suitable for him.

For one thing, there is P city to enter, and G port to retreat, so you can play flexibly without worrying about resources.

Second, the surrounding area of ​​G Town is open land, which can be described as an excellent location for a last stand. As long as these people come to G Town, they will not even think about leaving G Town until they have a life-and-death relationship with him.

And God Z also has this intention, he has plenty of backup, no better than Qin Fan single-handedly, especially in the qualifiers, they themselves will be forced to eliminate ten teams due to the arrangement of the competition system.

It happened to be possible to use these ten teams as sacrificial sons and put them against Qin Fan in the qualifiers.

As long as Qin Fan can't make it to the semi-finals, they won't lose no matter how many teams they lose.

Both left and right are beneficial to them, so he naturally readily agreed.

However, just when he was complacent, he suddenly discovered that Qin Fan didn't need to go through the qualifiers at all, and was waiting for him directly in the semifinals.

This situation is different all of a sudden. They originally wanted to use ten teams of sacrifices to keep Qin Fan out of the semi-finals, but it turned out that they had to go through cannibalism first, and then after the semi-finals, they had to be defeated by Qin Fan. Vatican restrains power.

In the semi-finals, they only had eleven teams at most.

If there are fewer people, they will deliver food when they go. If there are too many people, they will not be able to complete the task, and their form will suddenly become awkward.

They wanted to play Qin Fan's trap, but instead fell into Qin Fan's trap.

Qin Fan said playfully, "It's an appointment, and it's the puppies who don't come."

God Z said with a dark face: "Don't worry, we will definitely go."

After saying that, God Z left with a group of dark-faced veterans.

Qin Fan shook his head playfully, then looked at Liang Xuan: "Have you figured out the tactics for the qualifiers?"

Liang Xuan shook his head: "I don't have any clue."

"Come with me." Qin Fan said, put his hands on his back, and walked to the empty place where no one was around.

(End of this chapter)

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