space shrine

Chapter 1 Outbreak

Chapter 1 Outbreak
"President Yao, what's the matter with calling me here?" Qin Feng hurriedly walked from the front desk into the boss's office. There was another person in the office, Liu Jiao, one of the company's strongest regional business managers.

"Uh, it's like this. In the future, you will add another item to your job. Help the salesman to count the sales of customers. Make a photocopy before [-]:[-] pm every day, and give a copy to the managers and salesmen in each area. Remember. Let Manager Liu tell you the detailed method." Mr. Yao said to Qin Feng, who was stunned after listening to her words, with a smile on his chubby face.

"Mr. Yao, I'm afraid I won't be able to do this! This month I have taken over the jobs of several departments in a row, and I have to work overtime every night until after nine o'clock in the evening before I can leave. I really can't take over." Qin Feng stayed for a while, and then responded.This can only be achieved when she finishes eating within 10 minutes.

Over the past month, finance, accounting, cashier, warehouse and other departments have always suggested that they have too much work and need to set aside part, while the boss has piled up all this part on Qin Feng. She is really overwhelmed. No need to go home, just live in the company.

She also protested before, but the boss didn't accept it. In desperation, she could only endure it. She was so busy every day that she couldn't stand on tiptoe, spinning like a spinning top.

"Oh! Then why don't you get off work later, or take it home and make it, everyone does this!" The boss was a little displeased, and the loose fat on his face began to tighten a little. The boss's eyelids drooped slightly, but she still couldn't hide her sharp eyes from shooting at the thin figure.

She resented that the best man in her company had started to contradict herself.

"Why do I have to take it home and do it? Can't they take it home and do it? I am so busy every day that I am dizzy, and it is easy to make mistakes. If I miscalculate the data, wouldn't it cause confusion for everyone? It is better to let them do it themselves." Qin Feng glanced at Liu Jiao who was sitting on the side blowing her nails, then looked directly at the boss and said calmly.

"The salesmen are busy too! They have to travel frequently, and sometimes they don't even have holidays. They work very hard, so you can help them out. I'll let Liu Jiao teach you how to do it later." The boss was a little impatient. With a wave of his big hand, let Qin Feng go out.

"Okay!" Qin Feng swallowed the anger choked in her throat, her pale face turned pale due to the new work pressure, after thinking about it, she still compromised.But this time I have to get my benefits back no matter what, and there is no reason why all of them want to leave work on time and push their own workload to no avail, "But I want to apply for overtime pay, after all, these are not my jobs in the first place. .”

"Crack!" The boss was furious, and slammed the desk, making a loud noise, "This is your job now! You can't finish it within the stipulated time. I haven't said that you are poor at work. How dare you ask me for overtime pay!? No way! You have time to be whimsical here, so you don’t have time to finish your work?! Ah? What did I ask you to come back for? Ah?!”

"Mr. Yao, I used to be an administrative assistant. Later, the company couldn't hire clerks and asked me to work for a while. Now I have two jobs with one salary. I have to go out to do errands in the morning. When you come back in the afternoon, my The time is yours, and you have to deal with various internal issues of the company. Only after get off work can I have time to prepare the materials that will be used when I go out the next morning. Later, I took over the work of other departments, and my workload was even greater , I’m sure you also know that I do several jobs for one salary. Now that I’m taking this job, I’m just asking for overtime pay, which isn’t too much!” Qin Feng couldn’t bear it anymore, and faced his boss like a volcanic eruption. The oncoming high pressure looked directly at her without flinching and said.

She couldn't bear it anymore, the daily workload made her dizzy, even in her dreams she was working for her, that's not counting, once the boss encountered something that didn't go his way, the first thing he did was to make fun of her and scold her The words were vulgar and harsh.Knowing that she is a nouveau riche, it is inevitable that she will be vulgar, but for the sake of her job, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Unexpectedly, just because of her continuous forbearance, what she brought to herself was not the gratitude of others or anything else, but the ever-increasing weight. So far, it has been so heavy that she can't bear it any longer.

"Damn! Can you be an assistant with your education and ability?! If it weren't for your diligence when you first came in, could I invite you? Oh, I understand, I dare to say that your diligence is all fake, the purpose is Let me invite you to talk about it, right? Now I’m going to expose my true nature, right? Why are you a high school student negotiating conditions with me? Ah? If you are told to do a little thing, you will die. Tell you, just you With the appearance of age, except for a well-meaning boss like me, you will only starve to death outside! What? You don’t want to do it anymore, do you? Drink, you have to figure it out, the streets are full of college students now, less Without you, I can invite one back right away! Don’t take a pee and take care of yourself, even if you can’t do this well, you can talk to me about overtime pay...!"

The words became more and more ugly, Qin Feng's face gradually became calm from the original anger, and finally he waved his hand impolitely to interrupt the other party's scarlet blood plate mouth, turned around and walked back to his place, and wiped out all the company's He took out the keys of the department, then returned to the boss, placed them one by one on the solid wood desk, and said calmly: "If this is the case, please ask the boss to hire someone else! I really can't do it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jiao, who was leisurely watching the fun without looking at the boss's office, walked out of the boss's office without looking at the ugly face of the boss or the more unpleasant words she spewed out immediately.

Returning to her position where she has worked for three years, she felt a little sour. She was originally an administrative assistant in the company, but because the boss’s niece, who has a long-term reputation of three thousand miles, was unwilling to be a clerk, she was asked to take over temporarily. three years.

Three years!I thought that if I abide by my duty and work hard, I can have my own place here.It's a pity that after working for her for three years without any complaints, the result was her natural oppression and contempt.

Hehe, Qin Feng shook his head and smiled wryly. He quickly packed up his simple things, ignored those colleagues who used the name of concern to satisfy his desire to gossip, and left this place where she always thought it was stable and hoped to retire.

The roar of the boss came from behind him, and vicious words such as starving to death on the street could be vaguely heard, but Qin Feng didn't care anymore, just starve to death!Maybe this is the only life she has.

(End of this chapter)

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