space shrine

Chapter 2 A person who makes fun of hardship~!

Chapter 2 A person who makes fun of hardship~!

Can't she admit it?After leaving the gate of the building, Qin Feng looked up at the sky, and the white clouds in the sky floated faintly. The slow, unrestrained artistic conception was as different as the bleak scene of her about to step into the elderly homeless.

God!You win again!I admit it!Thinking that when she was 20 years old, because her fate was not going well, she yelled against it and wanted to fight against the sky, but in the end she still lost!
Qin Feng withdrew his gaze and smiled wryly.Looking around blankly, the world is huge, which brought her an extremely uneasy sense of fear, as if there was nowhere for her to stand.

She has no education and looks. The most fatal thing is that she is 32 years old this year. No matter how capable she is, no one will invite her.After all, appearance, age and education are the first test, if you can't pass the first test, other abilities are just floating clouds!
What should she do in the future?Qin Feng stopped at the spot in a daze, glanced around blankly, ignoring the strange eyes of the passers-by around him, she only had one thought in her mind now, what should she do in the future?I still couldn't control my temper this time, and fired another boss. Although I was relieved deep in my heart, the cruel reality was also before my eyes.

After graduating from high school, she may have a character problem. Every job is not satisfactory. The bosses or superiors she meets all bombard her mentally every day. As a result of contradicting and resisting, she has been hovering between the fate of being fired and being fired.After years of tossing and turning, her savings have been maintained at only a thousand dollars, and with the salary she just received a few days ago, it is now only about three thousand dollars.

In this society where prices are rising, she can barely maintain her life for more than a month with this money.As for her salary for the past few days, don't even think about it, that stingy fat woman who loves to hold grudges will not give it to her, and she didn't sign any contract at the beginning, and she didn't have the energy to deal with the boss like a tigress.

Go back and confess to her?Begging for the job back with a pitiful gesture?
After thinking about this matter, Qin Feng took a deep breath, there is no unparalleled road!Never mind him, let's go on first.If fate really wants to kill herself, then so be it. When the money is almost used up, and she can't find another way to go, she will use it as the fare to go home first, and after seeing her parents, she will find another way to go. This is an excuse to travel abroad, and walk in private, wherever you go, and then just die there!
Although it is really unfilial to think this way, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Apart from bringing shame to them, her stay in the world also brings endless worries and anxieties.

Life!In fact, it is not so precious, and sometimes it is better to end early!Don't want to stay in the world and make yourself covered in bruises, and make your loved ones sad!Especially those who love their parents.

Thinking of his parents in the countryside, Qin Feng, who was pretending to be free and easy, flashed a trace of pain in his eyes.It doesn't matter, don't you have a brother and a sister, they are very competitive, although they didn't get rich, but at least the sister is a civil servant, and the brother can also gain a firm foothold in the unit, although they are only small employees, but they are still considered It is stable in the world, and it would be even better if they can start their own families.

Qin Feng thought with some regret that he might not be able to see it.She suppressed the dull pain in her heart, and wandered around the street as if nothing had happened on the surface.

The three brothers and sisters of the Qin family each have their own addresses.

The older brother, Qin Lei, is honest and honest, and has a college education. He was introduced by his uncle to be a security guard in a hotel, and he has been doing it peacefully for ten years, until now.The unit has a dormitory, which saves a lot of rent.

My younger sister, Qin Yu, is an undergraduate student. She is currently assigned to work in a unit in City G. She is a civil servant. She rents a house outside. She lives alone. The rent is 300, a single room.

And Qin Feng is the second child in the family, with brothers and sisters, and all of them are tall and slender.However, she is the person with the lowest academic ability among the three.

Although she is 1.6 meters tall, due to her poor education and character, she has been hovering between looking for a job and quitting, and she has not had much time to actually do it.The current job, ah no, it should be the previous job that she has been doing the longest so far.

Three years!Although these three years were tough, this mild salary also allowed her to rent a small single room for 300 yuan, and lived a comfortable single life for three years, without having to live in those cramped and noisy dormitories.

She still doesn't understand whether it's because of her own temper and style of work, or because her destiny is really dark, which always makes her encounter some life-choice questions that are difficult to give up.

But these are not important anymore, she is tired and doesn't want to think about the future, she must eat, drink and have fun tonight, to celebrate that she finally has the courage to break away from that mean boss, and she no longer has to work hard every day , When I get home, I no longer have to worry about looking at my phone, worrying that the perverted boss will call and shoot her again!

No matter what the future holds, she is truly liberated now!
Qin Feng thought it was extravagant to buy two strings of delicious squid skewers in the bustling pedestrian street and ate them wildly. In the past, she only had to watch them, and swallowed in her heart and told herself to save money, save money!
Now she thinks that she is both a new student and the end of life, so let's count each day.

Along the way, like a child whose ban was lifted, she wandered around the pedestrian street, eating from the street to the end of the street, tasting a little of everything, and in the end, her stomach was already swollen.

"Huh~!" He exhaled heavily, eating so happily!Qin Feng was satisfied, touched his equally satisfied stomach, and decided to change to a quieter street for a walk. Although it is almost eleven o'clock now, the most important thing in the metropolis is transportation. There are still quite a lot of night buses, so don't worry about going back will be problematic.

Qin Feng walked and watched all the way, watching the bright lights on both sides of the street gradually extinguished; the street that was originally crowded with people gradually became silent, leaving only the desolate streets where pedestrians hurried past at night...

I don't know how long I walked, but I just know that the night is already deep!The city began to slowly fall into a deep sleep!
But there is also another group of people who, under the cover of night, open the door to another world and start a different life.

Young men and women in groups of three or two take a taxi, or walk, or drive to their destinations, step into the noisy KTV and other entertainment venues to have fun, and vent and relieve all kinds of pressure they have endured during the day.

Qin Feng walked slowly under the shade of a big tree on the side of the road, looking up at the colorful neon lights outside various entertainment venues, which were extraordinarily dazzling and flickering under the cover of the night, creating scenes full of dreams and confusing colors.

This kind of night life, Qin Feng also came here with three colleagues who could get along with each other, but he didn't dare to get drunk, so he only skipped a few dances and left.

She will not be like the heroines in TV or novels, expressing herself unreservedly in such a mixed place.How many people in the world can meet their lover in this kind of place?How many people have buried their future and happiness here?
She doesn't believe in that kind of vain bloody plot, and the dream of meeting her lover in such a place full of snakes and dragons is too unrealistic, and she can't believe in luck.She only believes in sailing carefully and taking precautions before they happen!

Yes, at this moment, Qin Feng was awakened by the cool air at night. Looking at his phone, it was already 0:30 in the morning, and there were few pedestrians on the street. He only saw one or two people walking on the road every ten minutes. Know who the other person is.

Perverts always appear in the middle of the night, and Qin Feng, who has a sense of crisis, decides to go nearby to find a bus to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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