space shrine

Chapter 21 Garden Tour

Chapter 21 Visiting the Garden ([-])

Her phenomenon, to put it nicely, means that she is indifferent to the world, but in fact she is isolating herself as if she were separated from the human world.Now there is this magical house again. It is said that people who possess this kind of magic will always have a fringe benefit, that is, the owner will have supernatural powers!

Thinking of this, the image that Qin Feng showed them that day flashed in Qin Lei's mind, thinking of Qin Feng's indifferent face when he killed those scum and disappeared, the uneasiness in his heart became even greater.Although those people deserved to die, and although Qin Feng was kind in nature, her extreme nature made her no longer respect and cherish life.And her increasingly withdrawn personality, it will be a matter of time before innocent people suffer.

With this kind of temperament, plus supernatural powers, if things go wrong, they will become demons.

The more Qin Lei thought about it, the more uneasy he became, but he didn't know what to do, so he sighed in his heart, alas, forget it, let's take one step at a time!If it really comes to the time when she is disregarding human life, he will try to stop it, although it may not be successful.At the same time, he has to remind other family members to pay attention from time to time, and must not let Qin Feng go to that step.

Secretly made up his mind, he shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to get those bad thoughts out of his head, and then caught up with the excited family members.

There is a backyard after bypassing the house. The backyard is just like the front yard. It is antique and has no trace of modernity.And there are more side rooms than the front yard, there are four or five rooms on the left and right, enough for a large family.

The kitchen was fine. Qin's father and Qin's mother also burned wood and dry firewood when they were at home, but the toilet was a bit troublesome.

According to Qin Feng's explanation, the previous owner of this place was a cultivator, and he had already cut off grains and fireworks. The use of the kitchen is probably very poor, and it is mostly used for making tea and washing fruits for fun. Need to use the kitchen.Those who practice can solve everything just by thinking about it.

The plants here are full of aura, and the former owners are not mortals. They can completely absorb these foods in their bodies, and then use their own methods to discard the dross and emit them as waste gas, leaving only the essence to melt in the body. Such a building simply cannot exist.

"But we can't live without a toilet! How about we buy tools outside and come in and build one? Although it takes a lot of work, we can't live without a toilet~!" Mother Qin said with a frown.

Qin's father also nodded in agreement when he heard the words, they are ordinary people, and the place without the reincarnation of the five grains will not work.

"Don't be so troublesome~!" Qin Feng said with a smile, closing his eyes and concentrating on communicating with the cabin in his mind, imagining the general structure of the toilet.Soon, there was a crackling sound, and while everyone was stunned, in another corner of the backyard, many large smooth stones flew in the air and piled up.

First the walls, then the internal structure of the toilet, and then the sink for the water. I don’t know where the water came from. I only heard the sound of rushing water trying to flow. Finally, the roof was built, and in the blink of an eye , a simple and bright toilet appeared in front of everyone.

The other four were silent...

"Sister, have you learned supernatural powers?" Qin Yu, who has been searching for the function of this magical object on the Internet every day since he knew that the old sister has a magical house, asked in amazement.

People who own magical treasures are always inseparable from the cultivation of legends. She wanted to take the time to ask Qin Feng, but she didn't expect that the old lady who has always been nerdy and lacks initiative would learn it first on her own initiative. Today, the sun will definitely come out from the west !

"Nope~! Because I am the master, as long as there are materials in it, even raw materials (mud, trees, water), I can think about it. It has nothing to do with supernatural powers, hehe~~!" Qin Feng grinned explained.

Everyone's black line, I thought this baby was finally working hard~!

Qin's father and Qin's mother were worried, so they ran in here to feel the knocks and bumps there, and tried flushing, only to find that it had the same function as the toilet outside, but this toilet was made of marble, although it did not have the characteristics of external paving The tiles are exquisite and gorgeous, but the simple stones, solid and thick walls, and wide space make it look solid and clean as a whole, and it is reassuring and comfortable to use.

"Okay, okay, your mother and I will live here from now on! Haha..." Father Qin couldn't help laughing happily when he saw this.

Qin's mother also grinned from ear to ear and touched here and there. She used to see her house being dilapidated day by day and unable to repair it, and the life-long events of her children were always entangled with the two old people. There is no hope.

Unexpectedly, now, not only do I have a good place to live, but I also become a big landlord (the land here is all theirs, so it’s okay if you don’t think it’s too big!), and if your children have this treasure, they won’t be afraid that they won’t be able to rely on them when they grow old. Luo Luo, the food in this treasure alone is enough to feed their family for several lifetimes.

The more Qin Ma thought about it, the happier she became. She ignored the father and the others and walked to the front living room by herself, preparing to clean and tidy up the rooms inside and move in as soon as possible.There are so many fields outside, she plans to harvest part of the crops first, and then bring some seeds from outside to cultivate. The non-stressful farm work can only be enjoyed, and it can also be used as a pastime to pass the time.

Haven't you seen those rich people on TV? After retirement, they all live in places with yards and gardens, watering flowers, hoeing and so on.It's just that, no matter how rich those people are, the area that can be used for planting is small.But they are different, the whole world is theirs, they can grow whatever they want, they can grow whatever they want, and they can let Qin Feng use his magical powers when he is tired, which is much more carefree and comfortable than them!

The wing rooms on both sides are as spotless and clean as the pavilions and rattan chairs outside!However, Mother Qin looked around, frowned and said to herself, "Oh, this room is a bit too much, it's a pity that our family is small, it would be great if we could have some more people! Then we can add one more room." A bunch of kids, haha, but it’s not enough~~!" While talking, he stared pointedly at the three "leftover fighters" who were standing and shot in front of them.

No way~!Have you let go of your mother's obsession? !Such a strong resentment~!

Don't stay here for long!The three brothers and sisters of the Qin family followed the same black line, remained silent, then bowed their heads and retreated quickly.

"Hey, you old lady, what are you talking about now? After you settle down, discuss it slowly. Hurry up and tidy up a few rooms and see if you can stay here tonight. We'll talk about it later. Ah." Qin's father's words seemed to be accusing his wife of disappointing the fun, but in fact they were secretly beating on the fragile nerves of his children.

Could it be that even this heaven-defying artifact can't reassure parents?I thought that from then on, the sky in the liberated area would be sunny.The three brothers and sisters who sneaked out of the house were all speechless with bitter faces, and then collectively sighed heavily.

"You don't need to clean up, Mom! Just you and Dad will live here, as a resort! There are still a few rooms outside, maybe each has its own favorite space, then we will be one person, one world. And Ah, don’t we have a room for each other on the first floor of the hut? If we want to get together, we can knock on our respective doors, and then we can all live outside. It’s so troublesome to leave a few rooms in each place like this!” Qin Feng speak loudly.

It's not dirty, and you don't have to clean it up.But staying away from the danger of being urged to marry is the instinctive behavior of every child.

(End of this chapter)

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