space shrine

Chapter 22 The Most Painful Being the Son of Man

Chapter 22 The Most Painful Being the Son of Man

The most important thing is that my parents haven't thought about it yet. Although it is good here, it is too quiet, so quiet that it makes people flustered. I believe they will have to go to the transfer station in another world - the small wooden house after staying for a few days. .Well, this is really a problem, she has to find a few animals to put in some other day, it would be nice to add some vitality to this place~!

After hearing this, Mother Qin thought about it, that's right, isn't there only one room for each person in the hut outside~!

"Xiaofeng, are the rooms outside the second floor also this kind of self-contained space?" Qin Lei's eyes lit up, this is too exciting!One person, one world, just thinking about it makes my blood boil, the welfare of treasures is really not a legend!
Qin Yu also looked at Qin Feng with bright eyes, one person, one world!What kind of strange baby is this!

"Well~! I believe there is always something you like!" Qin Feng looked at the two brothers and sisters amusedly, but it's no wonder that changing to her before was something that she couldn't even think about, but now it's all in front of her eyes. Are you not surprised?

"Oh, by the way, Xiaofeng, how do you count the time here?" Qin Lei suddenly thought of something and raised his head to ask.

"Each space has its natural laws. There are four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter, but each has its own landscape characteristics. I can't say that. You will know when the time comes. As for time, a day outside is equivalent to the inside. One year; only the time of the hut outside is synchronized with the earth." Qin Feng explained in detail.

Wow~!Everyone is worshiping and admiring again, this space hut is really great!Not only is it a world within a world, but even the time difference is so easy to calculate, without counting minutes and seconds, this is simply a god-like existence!
Qin Feng ignored everyone's obsession, and imagined daily necessities such as quilts in his mind. After arranging the two rooms warm and comfortable, he walked out of this pastoral space with everyone.

At the door, after asking everyone's opinions, Qin Feng blinked his eyes twice at the door plate, and the word "Qin Yuan" appeared in the middle of the plaque, indicating that this room will be the place where Qin's father and mother will rest and recuperate!
Then came to the second room, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Qin Feng opened the second door...

"Crack~!" Before the door was fully opened, a flash of thunder and lightning exploded deafeningly behind the door, and even the people standing behind Qin Feng felt the astonishing power of destroying the sky. I almost jumped out of my heart.

Everyone backed away in fright, Qin's father subconsciously pulled Qin Feng who was closest to the door, and the half-open door was closed.

"Wow, what kind of world is this?! Lightning and thunder! Is there a flood?!" Qin Yu asked Qin Feng, patting his chest with lingering fear.

"This world is not so easy to match! It seems to belong to the realm of self-cultivation - the place where martial arts practice. There are no four seasons, only day and night, and the weather is unpredictable, sometimes wind and rain, sometimes thunder and lightning, Every time it comes, it is millions of times stronger than our world's twelfth-level disaster, and ordinary people like us cannot enter." Qin Feng said with a frown, she knew the environment here in her consciousness before, but in the end Nothing compares to the shock brought by being there.

"Then let's go. Everyone, please remember that you must never enter this room." Qin's father looked at this room again and again worriedly. He really didn't understand why there was such a high-risk room in this extraordinary hut. , what if the children accidentally broke in.

"Yes, yes, why don't you make a mark at this door and remind you all the time, it's more reassuring. If you sleep in a daze at night and accidentally make a mistake, then..." Mother Qin also said worriedly.

This is true, in Qin Feng Qin Yu's mind, the most worrying thing is that if parents accidentally go wrong when they get up at night, they will be in trouble.They didn't know that Qin's father and Qin's mother were also worried about them.

Just when Qin Feng was about to make a conspicuous imprint on the plaque, Qin Lei who had been silent all of a sudden spoke:

"Wait! Xiaofeng, you said this is a place for martial arts. Ordinary people really have no way to enter? It must be extraordinary to be able to become a place where martial arts are practiced. But when martial arts first entered, their abilities should also be irresistible. This kind of power, right? Is there no way?" Qin Lei said in a deep voice, with some strange thoughts entangled in his heart.

When Qin's father and Qin's mother heard this, they felt a little anxious. Could this child want to go in and explore?Children are full of adventurous spirit, especially boys, who are born to be brave.But the scene in front of me is also eye-catching. Gang Nalei just hit some distance away from the door, which has already shocked them standing by the door. If they really entered inside, I am afraid they haven't seen the inside clearly yet. What kind of world was blasted to pieces by thunder.

Qin Feng was silent for a while, and then he raised his head and said to his brother solemnly: "Indeed, when you first entered, you had to rely on some magic weapons, but in the end you still have to rely on your own ability to resist the confrontation, otherwise the pain will not be worth it. You have to put your life in it. There are not only thunder and lightning, but also all kinds of natural disasters such as flash floods and wind and rain at any time, and there is nothing in this world that can be relied on forever."

Hearing this, Qin Lei showed a resolute smile on his face, nodded and said: "Well, I know, then give me this space!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin's father and Qin's mother were shocked, and they all strongly opposed: "No! Xiaofeng, you can't let your brother in! It's too dangerous! You must not let him in!" Pulling Qin Lei away from the closed door It seemed that Qin Lei would run in if one of the doors was not pulled tightly.

Seeing this, Qin Lei couldn't laugh or cry, so he quickly comforted the nervous parents and said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry! With Xiaofeng's magic weapon, I will be fine! Besides," he paused, and said firmly , "Dad, Mom, you also know that a man stands at thirty. And I, Qin Lei, am 36 years old this year, but I can't do anything outside. I'm just a hotel security guard; at home..." Qin Lei's face flickered After a bit of pain and guilt, "There is no woman who doesn't turn around and leave immediately after hearing that I am a security guard. What is even more unfilial is that until now, there is no law that allows you to live a life of comfort and prosperity. The house is dilapidated and dilapidated. But I don’t have the money to decorate and repair, and I can’t even make you eat, drink and dress better, and you can’t lift your face in front of people...I..." He couldn’t continue, his eyes were reddish, his head Also getting lower and lower.

Qin Feng and Qin Yu also lowered their heads, and what the elder brother said made clear the strong desire that had been hidden in their hearts.They always thought that he was always a relaxed and indifferent elder brother. It really looked like his cheerful and carefree expression. At one time, the sisters hated him and envied him for his leisurely attitude of putting aside all the enjoyment of life.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the person who was hurt the most and hurt the most was the person who was the happiest in front of others!
(End of this chapter)

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